Commissioners review goals set for the county

Saturday, May 25, 2013

With a light agenda in front of them, Bourbon County Commissioners spent a little time Friday during their regular meeting to review some of the goals they set for themselves earlier in the year.

Among those goals was developing educational or skills training for county employees. As part of that process, commissioners will meet with county department heads at 11 a.m. June 3 to review what each department has done to advance that goal.

"We want to know plans for each employee from the department heads, as well as a report on what has already taken place." Commission Chairman Allen Warren said.

Commissioners also plan to ask department heads what has been done in the area of vacation planning for their employees. The hope is to avoid a bottle neck of vacation requests at the end of the year so that continuity in services from the county will not be compromised.

For complete story, see the regular or electronic edition of The Tribune.