- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
- Best brand of freezer installed at North Main Street Meat Market (1/17/13)
Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary
Friday, February 1, 2013
Last night at the Y.M.C.A. the largest crowd to have ever watched a basketball game of local players witnessed three exciting games of the Commercial League. It was stated that there would be many changes in the averages of the teams, but this did not run out. Three teams are now tied for first place. The fast Vaudette team defeated The Tribune squad 22-18. The Prichard-Blatchley squad of goal shooters defeated the Fort Scott Laundry quintet 27-17. It was an easy game for the PB team, which has been dubbed "Pork and Beans." And the Laundry went down to their defeat still fighting. The fastest game was between the Rodeckers and the Pennimans. The Rodeckers have been leading the teams and the Pennimans have been bringing up the rear.
The best of sales since the pavilion opened was reported yesterday at the Fort Scott Sales Pavilion on the North Side. Of especial note was the sale of a pair of fillies for $262. D.L. Rhoda bought one and Ed Blair purchased the other. They were brought to the sale by a stockman from Linn County. There was a strong demand for work horses and for dairy cows. The hog demand continues steady.
The fire department answered a call to the rear of the Ellis Music Company, 2 N. Main St., this afternoon at 12:12 o'clock. Someone threw a match into a trash box. The heat blistered the paint on one of the Ellis trucks. Damage was placed at $15.
Photo caption: "Mrs. J.V. Neff was honored for donating 2,000 hours of volunteer hours to Mercy Hospital Auxiliary. Also recognized were Miss Ethelyn Hamlin, 1,000 hours; Mrs. Emma Connolly, 500 hours; Miss Irene O'Conner, 500 hours; and Mrs. Paul Hammons, 500 hours."-- Tribune Photo caption: "Olin Sipe will defend his All-Events champion won last year when the city bowling tournament gets underway. He also won the All-Events title and Singles in 1959." -- Tribune photo
Enrollment at Fort Scott Junior College reached a total of 233 yesterday, Ralph E. Evans, dean and principal, said today. Freshmen numbered 110.
FULTON -- The severe cold has been hard on most people here as water pipes have frozen. Some had the misfortune to have their pumps burst. All are ready for Old Sol to call on us and thaw them out. The Fulton school was dismissed because of frozen pipes.
Letter to the Editor:
I have a complaint with the post office. After talking with the postmaster, I decided to share this with Tribune readers. There used to be a mailbox on the Walmart parking lot. Every evening when I left work, I dropped the day's mail there. Often I had to wait because there were others before me depositing their mail also. Without notice it was removed. On Dec. 1, I went to deposit the mail and there was no mailbox. There is a drop at Consumers but you must find a parking place, get out of your car and go into the store.
After conversing with others about the problem, I called the postmaster and was told they were negotiating with Consumers for a spot on their parking lot for a drop box. Doesn't it seem strange to remove a box already in place and then put up another one across the street?
Stamps will probably cost 25 cents before long! -- Marilyn McQuitty, Route 2
(Feb. 2) -- Employees of Key Industries honored Chairman K.W. Pollock on his 80th birthday with a cake and a party. Employees said that Pollock still comes to work every day and will continue work in his 80s." -- Photo by John Lechliter