- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Resident locates his family
Thursday, December 27, 2012
WINTER APPLES: We will deliver you a barrel of winter apples, hand picked, $4 per barrel. These apples are guaranteed to be the best Jonathan apples on the market. Put a barrel of apples in your cellar. They will keep till spring if put in a cool place. -- Fleming's, 19 S. Main St.
Kress Store inventory sale at 1 p.m. Friday: 5 cent goods at 1, 2, 3 cents; 10 cent goods at 4, 6, 7 cents; 25 cents goods at 12, 17 cents. Watch Kress windows.
A half-dozen or more men carrying sacks of flour to the platform as a donation to the needy, and dozens of children carrying canned goods and other articles of food to be distributed to the unfortunate, is a new spectacle in Sunday school Christmas exercises that was witnessed at the Presbyterian church last evening. It was decided several weeks ago to use the money it ordinarily spends on Christmas exercises to disperse Christmas cheer in this way.
FULTON -- Archie Huff, more commonly known as Archie Moss who is employed at the T.J. Van Sickle farm, is happy these days because of the fact that he has through the efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle succeeded in locating his relatives. Archie was one of several children placed in an orphanage and eventually adopted by various families. Archie was taken by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Moss, formerly of the Fulton vicinity. As he grew older he made several unsuccessful attempts to locate his brothers and sisters. Recently, with the cooperation of Mr. and Mrs. Van Sickle he found that one is located at Concordia, another at Phillipsburg, another in Oklahoma and others at various points, there being seven in the family. Archie considers this was a happy Christmas. Though being unable to be with his family, he feels that perhaps it will be possible in the near future.
MAPLETON -- The death of Myron Waterman in Kansas City was cause for regret by many of the older people in the vicinity, and knew him so well when he resided here. It was he who established the first drug store in Mapleton under the management of a registered pharmacist. The drug store was located at the present site of Hammonds Hardware.
C.E. Dallam, 1409 S. Judson, and Mrs. Charles Baird, 201 Andrick, were the winners of the Kiwanis Christmas lighting project. Both have won awards in previous contests.
Santa Claus waving goodbye to his wife at the North Pole as he begins his trek around the world is the theme expressed by the Dallams. Mrs. Baird's prize-winning Christmas decoration on the East Side depicted parents and their two children in a one-horse buggy going to Grandma's for Christmas.
Other winners were School of Nursing, 810 Burke, Religious Bonus, West Side, and Marion Lybarger, Religious Bonus, East Side.
Noble Johnson, second; Dr. James Basham, third; and Betty Ruth Willard, fourth, all on the West Side. James L. Halsey, 310 Cleveland, second; Mrs. Mary K. Wyatt, 210 Andrick; third; and W.A. Copeland, 1415 S. Main, fourth, all on the East Side.
The City Commission has notified the Recreation Commission. It would be considered the same as any other organization in regard to the use of Memorial Hall, and a $40 fee would be the rental value for each month. Recreation Commission members said they felt recreation for young adults was just as important as that for youngsters in the summer leagues, but that they could not afford to pay $40 a night for a gym.