Bronson Ruritan hears reports
The Bronson Ruritan meeting was held Monday, Dec. 17, at the Bronson Community Center with 20 members present.
The meal was served by Elaine Stewart. President Alan Stewart called the meeting to order. Julia Rhoton led the group in the song, "America." Prayer was given by Geraldine Reeder.
Luella Fuhrman said roll call and read the minutes of the past meeting. Stewart gave the committee reports. Treasurer Joyce Wilkins gave her monthly report.
Reeder informed the group there were 32 hams delivered. After discussion and upon motions being made and seconded, the club will donate $50 (each) to help two Bronson families with their utility bills.
Installation of new officers was done by Leroy Fuhrman.
The Bronson Ruritan will meet next month on Jan. 28 at the Bronson Community Center.
--Submitted by Charlotte Stewart