- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Group makes demands
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
The site of the high school building presents a busy scene at the present time as the work on the excavation is being rushed that much of it might be completed before the winter weather interferes. Eleven teams and a force of 20 men are working there daily, in addition to the several teams that are employed hauling material to the grounds. A force of probably 30 men in all are employed at the work, and this will be increased as the occasion requires. Contractor Williams, of Sedalia, is expected here soon for several days in directing the work. He will then arrange for the starting of active building operations as the excavating is completed. The workers say the building will be completed in record breaking time, weather permitting.
The announcement was made today by Bruce Marble and Granite Works that that firm has just consummated the purchase of the Day Monument Works at Butler, Mo., a concern more than 55 years old. It is one of the very oldest in the territory.
The Bourbon County Taxpayers' League this week opened fire on the purchase of road equipment by the county through the "rental" plan, alleging the property was not listed on the county tax rolls as it should be if still in the name of the dealer. A probe of welfare work was also demanded at a meeting of 250 persons at the courthouse Thursday night.
Miss Lavonne Wutke is completing plans for a program Thursday night in connection with a pie supper.
DEVON -- The Vogue in Fort Scott has been assigned to the Devon 4-H Club for its exhibit at the corn festival and the leaders hope to have a very nice showing.
Roscoe Campbell emerged the king of anglers after two days of torrid competition fishing in Lake Fort Scott in choppy water and windy weather. He amassed 82 points in this first annual Fishing Derby sponsored by the Bourbon County Fishing Association. His nearest competitor was Jerry Williams with 56 points. Jim McKenney, holder of the Bourbon County Fishing title and also the wearer of the state fishing crown, finished sixth. Behind Williams in third place was J.C. Kincaid, Prescott, with 53 points.
Campbell was the leader all the way through. He will receive a trophy for his efforts. The trophy will be a revolving trophy which will go to the winner of the derby each year or until some fisherman wins it three times in succession. Fishing Association President Charles Briggs will present the trophy to Campbell in a special ceremony.
1987-88 Season:
The Bourbon County Arts Council is a non-profit corporation organized to foster, promote, encourage and increase the knowledge, appreciation and practice of the arts, both performing and creative. It is organized to serve Bourbon County through school and public events. Officers are Eleanor Nelson, president; Virginia Myers, vice president; Belinda Thompson, secretary-treasurer; Peggy Cummings, administrator. Board of directors include Glen Kirk, Aileen Pollock, Don Hewett, Ronda Bailey, Oka Clinesmith, Minnie Lou Allen, Eva Williams, Pratt Irby, Larry Anderson, Janet Ida.
UNIONTOWN -- Hazel Maxwell, U-235 kindergarten teacher, was chosen by the Uniontown Teachers Association as the candidate for the Kansas Teacher of the Year Award. Mrs. Maxwell has taught in Bourbon County schools for 43 years and has been the kindergarten teacher at West Bourbon Elementary School 20 years. She attended Bourbon County rural schools, Fort Scott High School and Fort Community College. She received her bachelor and master of science degrees from Pittsburg State University State University.