
Baseball fun show set

Tuesday, August 7, 2012



A report from Hiattville told of a fight that occurred south of that city following the baptizing of some 20 or more persons who were converted during the recent revival there. Three men are said to have been engaged in the fight which started over a case of beer.

The Arcadia picnic was billed to open this morning and to continue through throughout the week. Many will go down from this city joining thousands. A carnival feature has been added this year. There will be a racing program featured each afternoon. A number of horses from this city will be entered in the racing events.

Bath -- Shave -- Cigars, get them at the Smoker, John Vail, proprietor. Then you will feel right.

Union Bend School Board was at the schoolhouse last Friday making plans for installing a new heating system.



Mr. Murray Weathers, who lately acquired himself a drygoods store, probably is not interested in the superiority of the feminine of the species over the masculine. But he ought to be, for into his store -- formerly Bright's -- this morning there pushed and struggled crowds of womenfolk in such number as to make a mere man shrivel to nothingness in significance. Any man who has some notion that he is a pretty important personage really should walk into a throng of women shoppers such as was in the Weathers store this morning. At the end of five minutes of being shoved around, he will be ready to turn around and flee to the nearest exit.

The Misses Esther Ann Weeks and Mary Elizabeth Warren will give a garden party tomorrow evening at the Weeks home on Horton Street honoring David Penniman, of Los Angeles, who is here visiting.



Fort Scott Tribune carrier-salesmen recently engaged in a sales contest, a lead-up to awards which will be given the top carriers in October.

Dennis Tracy, 16, son of Rev. and Mrs. Bryon D. Tracy, Arcadia, won top honors. Finishing close behind were the Banwart twins, Donnie and Lonnie, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Banwart, 2222 S. Main; John Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Porter, 737 Beach; Bill Hohulin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Hohulin, 710 Meadow Lane; and Bill Hohulin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin D. Hohulin, 710 Meadow Lane.

The Tribune is proud of its carrier-salesmen and believes the training these lads receive on their routes is one of the finest basic business education available to youths. Many leaders in the business world and in government started out as newspaper boys.

(Aug. 6) HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- A doctor smashed his way into a locked bedroom and found Marilyn Monroe dead in bed and an empty pill bottle nearby. It was her psychiatrist who found the body early Sunday. The mysterious death brought a scarred life of Norma Jean Baker -- the frightened waif -- who became the world's most famous blonde as Marilyn Monroe. Evidence uncovered so far is conflicting.



Play Lucky IGA Bingo. Listed are $100 winners in Fort Scott: Becky Briggs, Bob Webster, Pat Johnson, Bertha Biles, Debbie Barret, Lea Swafford, Marjorie Stephan, Thelma Kerns, Shirley Lauber, Virginia Meek, Harvey Goff, Alberta Uttinger, Billie Young, Leona Foster, Earl Hull, Bonnie Irby, Leona Pressler, Don Arnold, Bud Schafer, Tommy Feagins, Mary Seaver, Edna Pierce, Pamela Wright, Michael Johnson, Joann Ruby and Monty Young. -- Whitesides IGA, 301 S. Crawford and 911 E. Sixth.

Nicole Walrod, age 7, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walrod, has been selected as a participant in the 1987 Kansas Little Junior Star Pageant which is the official state preliminary to the national pageant. She is sponsored by friends and customers of the Eastern Kansas Livestock dba Fort Scott Sales Co.