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Friday, August 3, 2012
For several days there has been more talk about erecting street signs than ever before, and it begins to look as though Fort Scott streets would be named so that strangers would get a little idea of where they were. At the present time there are not many streets which have indicators to tell where they are, and makes it difficult to get around. Many businessmen have given their ideas, but the most logical one was given by C.C. Crain. It is Mr. Crain's intention to have the manual training boys of the high school cut out the boards. Then, in order to give them some practice in lettering, the boys could mark the signs. When Fire Chief Ausman heard of the idea, he volunteered services to help put up the signs. Mr. Crain is making a sign for the corner by his house.
A fire that originated from an exploding gasoline stove completely destroyed the E.C. Calvert grocery and home, as well as all the contents at 1749 E. Wall St. yesterday morning. The loss is estimated at $3,800.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary A. Gorman, 74, of three miles southeast of Fulton, will be held tomorrow morning at the St. Patrick's church at Fulton conducted by Father Maguire. Interment will be in the St. Michael's Cemetery. Mrs. Gorman was the wife of Michael Gorman, a well-known farmer of the Fulton neighborhood. They were married in 1898.
Isaac Bailey, 113 N. Holbrook St., a retired dairyman, was telling his friends today of a strange phenomenon he saw in the southwest skies last night.
He says he saw five bright stars in the shape of a large cross in the skies. Mr. Bailey says he has watched and studied the stars all his life, but has never seen anything like this before.
"Tobacco-less Road" -- Walter C. Perkins, Georgia's assistant agriculture commissioner, says there is a definite relationship between pavements and the nation's tobacco-chewing habits.
He says a tobacco salesman blamed the increase of concrete streets and sidewalks for the decrease in chewing tobacco sales. "Folks get their real pleasure spitting in the dust," the salesman said.
Editorial Comment:
West Wall Street is in the process of getting a new asphalt surfacing. The work is being done jointly by the Kansas Highway Department and the city of Fort Scott.
The state pays the major part of the cost since the street is part of the state and federal route, U.S. 54. A similar treatment is scheduled for several blocks of National Avenue.
The rest of Fort Scott's old brick streets are becoming a problem which suggests the same kind of treatment -- eventually. Much of the old brick pavement in Fort Scott has become rough, uneven and unsightly through the years. Part of the trouble has been the disappearance of the art of bricklaying. It seems that no one is here today who can put bricks back the way they were when a repair hole has to be filled in. So the holes have been filled over with the black mix, too, which lasts a while, but makes an unattractive contrast with the old red brick.
The solution may be found in completely resurfacing our old streets with asphalt. That will be expensive to do, so it will mean that the job will have to be done over a period of years. It is not too early to start that sort of planning. Just a few blocks each year would make a difference over a long period of time.
No publication.