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Farmers' co-op gets a crowd
Friday, July 27, 2012
The idea of camping has taken a stronger hold on Fort Scott people within the past few years than ever before. Many opened their summers in tents, others have their cabins built out on some choice spot near the river. The people who have cabins are lucky: A rain means no more to them than if they were at home, but for people in a tent, rain is the most miserable thing that can happen.
People seeking cooler climates can do no better than to spend a few weeks at someone's cabin, where the breeze is always cool and the air fresh; then back to work with an over abundance of energy, and clean up all the work that has collected during your absence in two days.
BRONSON -- The Church of God camp meeting opened with services Thursday evening in the park. The meetings, held in a large tent, will continue through Aug. 1. Many are present from great distances.
Tents are located in the park for living quarters. The Wright-Ireland store building serves as a kitchen and dining room.
Smiling a genuine Midwestern smile that won the hearts of the more than a thousand shoppers who gathered in front of the Townsend Department Store window, petite Evelyn Burns, Pontiac personality girl, swept her gigantic audience into spontaneous bursts of applause during the course of her dancing exhibition on Main Street this afternoon. Hundreds lined Main Street for the appearance of Miss Burns, the Pontiac personality. While here, she has taken her meals in the showroom of Salyers Motor Company, Pontiac dealers, and the "pause that refreshes" with a cold Coca-Cola. Miss Burns made a sensational hit at Radio Springs Park in Nevada last night, packing the amusement center with interested spectators who came to see the top-line attraction.
Approximately 1,000 persons visited the new Farmers Co-Op station Saturday at the grand opening and 700 cars were recorded. Winners of a car wash job were Mary Mitchell, Pleasanton; Marilyn Johnson, Garland, Winfred Misner, Linda Hereford, O.E. Gump, George Sinn, Delbert Dikeman, W.R. Reynolds, Harry Peterson and Roger Shelton. Those who won $5 in gas were Dale Avery, Pleasanton; D.R. Aikman, Walnut; Lena Stewart, Bronson; Mary Snyder, Fulton; Jewell Jones, Mrs. W.E. Cook, Mrs. Fred Baldwin and Mrs. Leslie Toepfer, Fort Scott.
About 750 people consumed 60 gallons of homemade ice cream and 65 cakes at the B.P.W. Club ice cream social last night, held on Ray Shepherd's used car lot. In charge of the event were Mrs. Billie Wood, club president, and Mrs. Loris Schubert, chairman of the Ways and Means Committee.
Foodtown: wieners, 2-lb. bag 79 cents; frozen breaded shrimp, 2-lb. box $1,19; Meadow Sweet Cottage Cheese, 2-lb. carton 39 cents; Meadowlake Oleomargarine, 6 one-lb. packages 89 cents; Brooks No. 5 tins tomato juice, $1; Summer Champion apples, 4-lb. bag 49 cents.
Photo caption: "Kevin Seested's Grand Champion steer, Sugar Ray, netted a $585 bid from Security State Bank at the Junior Livestock auction at the Bourbon County Fairgrounds. Kevin, 10, is the son of John and Janice Seested, Fulton." -- Photo by John Lechliter
Photo caption: "Laura Tuscherer, 14, Fort Scott, sits on her horse, Double Hand, which she rode in the 4-H Horse Show at the Bourbon County Fair. She was named champion in showmanship, western pleasure, western horsemanship and reining. Laura is a member of Southeast Scott 4-H Club." -- Photo by Gretchen Pippenger