Hiattville 4-H meeting held

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

The monthly Hiattville 4-H meeting was called to order on July 11 by Hannah Fry. Roll call was answered by our favorite fair activity. Thirteen members and one leader were present.

After the minutes of the previous meeting were read, we discussed what activity we would do for our August fun meeting. It was decided our first choice would be watch a movie and our second choice was go to the city pool.

Janet Beene reported on upcoming events, including the Bourbon County Fair, and thanked everyone for cleaning up the fair building and reported Friends of 4-H will be held on Aug. 17.

Then we moved into the program. Trevor Crossland gave a talk on his first year poultry project and pointed out body parts on one of his chickens. Autumn Kimrey then talked about the poster she had made for the fair for her pets project.

That was followed by Chance Kimrey who gave a speech on what a leader is and how we can develop our leadership skills.

Trevor Crossland won the Traveling Trophy with his poultry presentation. The members were then asked to write what 4-H meant to them on a piece of paper to be displayed in our fair booth.

Refreshments served by the Fry Family finished up the evening.

Submitted to the Tribune by Haydon Schaaf