- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
KC Southern train derails
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
W.C. Gunn has given to the Collegiate Institute of this city the 20-room hotel building on the site of the old brick and cement works near Mapleton, 18 miles northwest of town. The institute is bound by the terms of the gift to move the building to this city and fit it up on the college campus at Wall and Broadway. Dr. Manchester is now out with a subscription paper to raise $1,000 with which to move the building here and fix it up.
The big hotel building is a frame structure that was built a few years ago. It will make a very suitable dormitory for the young male students. Mr. Gunn came into possession of the building when he bought the assets of the defunct Mapleton plant. This is Mr. Gunn's second gift, having a year ago given the school one of the large Seelye houses on the extreme east of Wall Street, together with 15 acres.
Deliveries for penny ice are starting this week by the Salvation Army truck and an appeal is issued at the same time by Capt. Olin Brigman, Salvation Army head, for contributions to support the delivery of ice to needy families through the hot summer months. In order to maintain the deliveries of ice to a limited number of families through the sunmer, many contributions are needed. Payments may be made to I.O. Trask, treasurer of the Salvation Army, at Citizens Bank, or to The Tribune office, or they may be placed in special boxes in downtown stores.
An election is being held at Pawnee to decide whether the Pawnee school district shall issue $7,000 in bonds for the construction of a new school building. Another similar election is slated to be held at Haiattville.
Three more Bourbon County girls have entered the Dairy Princess contest to be held here Saturday.
Margaret Ann Flanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Flanner, is representing the West Liberty HDU. She is a 1962 graduate of Fulton High School and has been granted a scolarship to Fort Scott Junior College. Miss Flanner was valedictorian of her class this year with an "A" average all through high school.
Carol Jean Perry is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Perry. She is a 1962 graduate of Uniontown Rural High School. The Uniontown HDU is her sponsor. She was valedictorian and FFA Sweetheart.
Patsy Leann Blair is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Blair and will be a sophomore music major at Fort Scott Juco this fall. She was listed on both the high school and junior college honor rolls.
Photo caption: "Railroad crews continue today to clean up the area where 21 Kansas City Southern railroad cars derailed Saturday evening. Some of the cars plunged 35 feet from a bridge about seven miles northeast of Fort Scott. Workers have been clearing the area in temperatures near 100 degrees. The cause of the derailment is still unknown."-- Photo by John Lechliter
The Bourbon County Business and Professional Women installed the following officers: Kathryn Singmaster, president; Diane Ellerman, first vice president; Minnie Lou Allen, second vice preident; Meredith Runkle, secretary; Betty Lord, treasurer; Donna Matkin, assistant treasurer. Appointed to the audit committee were Zella Pease, Goldie French and Ruth Moudy.
HAMBURGERS only 49 cents from 5 to 7 p.m. Made with only fresh ground hamburger at the famous Nu-Grille, 24 N. National Ave. Home of the famous Suzy Q's. Dinner specials. Dine in or carry out.