- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Ware building purchased
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Steve Lotterer and his son, George, have negotiated the purchase of the E.F. Ware business building at 113 Market St. -- one door east of the Aronson store. The sale was made for the Ware estate by J.R. Kearns Realty Co. The Lotterers will open an exclusive furniture, carpet and rug store. They will continue their second-hand business at its present location further down the street. The Ware building will be completely remodeled and will be extended back to the alley. Both floors will be occupied. The consideration in the purchase of the building was $4,200. It is one of the historic properties of the town. For many years the late E.F. Ware had his suite of law offices there and it was there that he composed "The Washerwoman's Song."
Those returning from Fulton where they had attended the funeral of Tim Higgins say it was one of the largest services ever held in that part of the county. There were 45 rigs in the procession.
For sale cheap: three houses on Crawford Street. Inquire at Katzung store, No. 16 S. Main St.
The new 20-inch two-blade fans, chromium plated, were installed at the public library. They have two speeds and it was found this morning that even at the low speed they circulate the air sufficiently for a breeze to be felt at the extreme west side of the room. At high speed the fans stirred up enough breeze to cause a calendar hanging on the west wall to flutter.
Miss Gail Little, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Little of 1116 S. National Ave., who is a junior at Christian College, Columbia, Mo., was presented the Artie Mason Carter Music Award. The award recognizes the junior girl making the most progress in piano during the school year.
Clifford McGuire, 23, has been appointed to fill the vacancy in the police department caused by the resignation of Officer Roy Reese. The announcement was made by Mayor Harry C. Brooks and Chief of Police R.L. Wells.
Harry "Smoky" Rogers, who outside of Santa Claus, is the best known character among school children, is in Fort Scott to conduct a training school for members of the Fort Scott Fire Department. Smoky's heart and soul are wrapped up in fire prevention. When Smoky was here last year he put on his clown act for grade school children.
Sports Shots At Random (By John M. Davis) -- The "Four Farrells" -- Lawrence, Lon, Lynn and Danny, sons of Mrs. Ona Farrell of Devon, are making successful strides forward in the field of athletics. All are graduates of Uniontown Rural High School and Fort Scott Junior College.
Lawrence has accepted a post with Huntsville, Mo., for the coming year. He will coach basketball, track and physical education.
Lon has been released from his contract with Cherokee Rural High to become an assistant coach of football at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. He plans to coach the first semester and work on his doctoral degree, his second.
Lynn has received his doctorate from Pittsburg State College and will coach at Hastings, Neb.
Danny, youngest of the quartet, left Sunday for Miller, Mo., where he will help coach baseball for youngsters. Danny has been pitching excellent ball in Bronson.
Miss Linda Sue Leek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leek, became the bride of Randall Lee Hessong, son of Mr. and Mrs. V.E. Hessong, on June 3 at the First United Methodist Church. Both the bride and groom attended Fort Scott schools through junior college and are now attending Pittsburg State.
No publication.