Local student graduates from Bethany College
LINDSBORG -- On May 20, Bethany College honored 98 students, including Rachel French from Fort Scott, who earned bachelor of arts, bachelor of music, and bachelor of music education degrees from the college during the 2011-2012 academic year.
Summer, fall, interterm and spring graduates participated in baccalaureate worship and commencement ceremonies on campus.
Bethany's retiring Provost and Dean of the College Eugene Bales addressed the graduating class of 2011 during the commencement ceremony. Bales began at Bethany in 1990 and has served as a professor and administrator.
The Rev. Bill Peterson, who graduated from Bethany in 1972, preached during baccalaureate worship. Peterson currently serves The Good Neighbor Parish consisting of St. Paul Lutheran church in Herington and Hebron Lutheran in Burdick.
Graduating senior Chelsea Kenyon, Iola, Kan., provided the special music during commencement and graduating senior Jordan Johnson, Smithville, Mo., gave the senior address.
French graduated with a double major in managment and management with a concentration in international management.
Submitted to the Tribune by Stephanie McDowell.