- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Hail strikes county
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Friday evening at the Y.M.C.A. bowling alleys, the Taft team composed of Taft enthusiasts and the followers of Roosevelt will meet in a warfare contest to decide all political questions. Dr. Brant is leading the Roosevelts and Neut Gunsaullus is captain of the Tafts.
The old fence is being torn away from around the calaboose yard and it will probably be replaced by one made of stone or concrete. The old fence was objected to, as it was a regular fire trap and caused an increase in the insurance rates of all adjoining property and business owners along Market Street. Calaboose Keeper Willsey has been engaged in the work but it is progressing rather slowly as he has only one prisoner available to do the work.
Ask the man who had a sale--or ask the auctioneer--and they will reply: "The best sale bills are printed by the Monitor Binding & Printing Company.
One of the most severe hail storms that Fulton and vicinity have experienced in years struck yesterday afternoon between 4 and 5 o'clock, about the same time that severe wind, rain and hail storms struck elsewhere in this part of Kansas and Southwest Missouri. The hail stones were unusually large in size and their bombardment was so severe that gardens were damaged, wheat beaten into the ground, the roofs of cars riddled and the fruit crop reduced as the result of blossoms being destroyed. Some of the larger stones measured 5 inches in diameter. The fall of hail was pretty much localized. One motorist said it began as he was about four miles east of Bronson on U.S. 54 nearing Fort Scott, the motorist saw farmers working in the fields. George Farmer, Clerk of the District Court, who lives near Devon, reported that it rained very little there. Persons at Redfield reported that there was a heavy amount of rain there and some hail.
Approval today of $125,000 by the Small Business Administration to Fort Scott Industries Inc. opens the way for bringing an aluminum processing plant and new payroll to Fort Scott. The loan application had been pending in Washington for several weeks, following negotiations between the Fort Scott Industrial Committee and Aluminum Extrusions Inc., a company now operating in Louisville, Ky. The company was seeking a location in this area to be closer to its markets and Fort Scott was its choice, partly because of its proximity to Kansas City. Fort Scott Industries was created several years ago by the Chamber of Commerce as an instrument for financing local industry.
AMEN ... Frank Wolf Jr., Route 5, says that in planting pecans from the seed, the most important thing is to look around carefully and make sure no squirrels are watching.
Both the Fort Scott Community College faculty and administration appear to be satisfied with an agreement ratified Thursday which increases faculty salaries by 4 percent.
"I am pleased with the agreement and I think our faculty showed a lot of restraint in asking for a 4 percent. I am happy that the college was in a position to be able to meet their request," FSCC President Dick Hedges said.
"There was overwhelming support among the faculty," said Bob Eshelbrenner, spokesman for the FSCC faculty negotiating team.
The Fort Scott High School Spring Sports Home Queen candidates are Joe' Albright, Nancy Johnston, Carole Nelson, Trina Lipe and Jennifer Powell. School officials said the Powder Puff football game will be held to raise money for a new high school marquee. Admission is $1 for all ages.