Hiatville 4-H talks about barn sale
The monthly Hiatville 4-H meeting was called to order by President Hannah Fry on April 4 at the Hiatville fire station. Roll call was answered by "your favorite TV show." Seventeen members and two leaders were present. Under old business, we discussed the concession stand at the Slater Barn Sale, which the 4-H club will be running on April 15. The leaders reported on upcoming livestock sales and the hog, sheep and goat tag-ins on May 2 in Uniontown or May 5 in Fort Scott. It was also reported that there will be no health papers required at the fair this year. Fair entries are due June 15.
The program was parents night and consisted of Dennis Fry giving a demonstration on how to start an IV.
Narine Crossland gave a cooking show demonstration. Dennis Fry won the traveling trophy. Refreshments were served by the Schwalms.
--Haydon Schaaf, reporter