Fort Scott Presbyterian Ringers perform handbell concert in Leawood
Submitted to The Tribune
Ring in the Spring 2012 is a Handbell Musicians of America (AGEHR) endorsed handbell workshop for ringers of all ages and skill levels. The Fort Scott Presbyterian Ringers were represented by Marge Stringer, Dee Ann Davis, Jasmine Davis, Director Carol Crain, Linda Leachner and Shayde Williams.
The event was hosted by the Church of the Resurrection in Leawood and was a wonderful day of music with three dynamic handbell clinicians. The day included mass ringing sessions, mini-classes, fellowship with bell ringers across the region, and concluded with a 3 p.m. concert composed of over 600 ringers.
Bronze and Copper ringers worked with Lloyd Larson on a piece that was commissioned for this event.
Larson earned a bacheler's degree from Anderson University in Anderson, Ind., in 1976 and a master of church music degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary of Louisville, Ky., in 1979. He has done additional graduate work at Southern Baptist Seminary, The Ohio State University and Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago, Ill.
Since 1982, Larson has been an active composer and arranger for several major publishing companies of church and school music.
His compositions and arrangements include well over 1,000 published works -- including choral anthems, numerous extended Christmas, Easter and non-seasonal works, keyboard collections, vocal solo and duet collections, instrumental works for solo and ensembles, orchestrations and handbell settings. The notoriety has placed him in constant demand as a clinician throughout North America.
It is Larson's work in his local church that continues to be the catalyst for much of his writing.
He currently directs the adult choir in his home church in Maple Grove, Minn., in addition to being involved in worship planning and leadership.