
High school issues honor rolls

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



A large framed, brawny man, not much bowed by age, nor apparently feeble, standing over six feet high and with a keen eye, stepped into the Tribune-Monitor office this afternoon and dropped on the counter a small piece of paper on which was written the following challenge:

"To The Tribune: As tomorrow is my birthday --the 22nd of February, I want to challenge anyone that I am the oldest white-born child living in the state of Kansas. Born at Fort Leavenworth in 1841, I have been a resident of Bourbon County 71 years. -- Wm. Beth

It is doubtful there is any who has lived in the state as long as Mr. Beth. His father was a soldier in the regular army in the late thirties and early forties and was transferred from Fort Leavenworth to the barracks of in this city. As a young man, Wm. homesteaded a farm northeast of Fort Scott in the Fulton neighborhood. He lived on that farm about 60 years.



News of Farmers and Farming (By Harry V. Cowan, The Tribune Farm Editor)

In sentimental song we voice a lament for the old gray mare for "she ain't what she used to be." But we want to tell the world that the old gray MULE is still what she used to be and is all she ought to be. At the word of command the old gray mule put her 1,400 pounds against the collar and surged with might and main and very soon things began to move. The wheels began to roll again and in a few minutes we were out of the sea of mud and on dry land. Praises of the Missouri mule have been sung far and near, but we will bank on the gray mule of Kansas.

(Note: When this writer became bogged down in a slough of mud north of Uniontown, Siegle McKinnis, son of Roy McKinis, came to the rescue with one of the big farm mules and pulled us through.)



Photo caption: "Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Willard, 208 S. Hill, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with open house at their home Feb. 11. Mr. Willard, a Frisco engineer, was retired Feb. 28, 1961, after 51 years of service."

Fish fry every Wednesday evening, Downtowner Hotel-Restaurant. All you can eat: fried fish, French fried potatoes, cole slaw, corn muffins, coffee. Adults $1; children 75 cents.

Between 350 and 400 people attended the open house celebration of the new Farmer's Coop Elevator.

Earl Michaels, 18 N. Judson, won 50 pounds of dog food; Morton Embry, Redfield, won 35 pounds of dog food. Coffee and doughnuts were served.



Fort Scott High School students listed to the All "A" Honor Roll include the following:

Ralea Ames, Chalen Asher, Danielle Asher, Mike Barker, James Barnes, Lisa Barr, Tricia Barr, Lynn Bloomfield, Matt Brillhart, John Cauthon, Mike Chipman, Wayne Chipman, Michele Chow, Deanna Coleman, Brad Cox.

Tom Dobbins, Dusty Drake, Lyle Dunshee, John Durling, Matt Eblen, Lisa Epps, Lori Epps, Christa Farmer, Chad Fry, Grant Gramstad, Mike Hall, Pam Hartman, Paula Hartman, Rachel Hathaway, Kyle Hedges, Andy Heer, Jill Hildebrand, Denise Hill, Becky Hoffman, Randy Karleskint, Kathleen Kerr, Mindy Koester.

Mike Lasseter, Belinda Lyons, Doug Manken, Andy Nelson, Carole Nelson, April Oharah, Brian Palmer, Keniston Peck, Matt Perry, Mark Palmer, Keniston Peck, Matt Perry, Mark Radom, Stacy Sauerwein, Jason Sinn, Staci Sinn, Michelle Smith, Paul Smith, Bruce Swank, Stephanie ter Meer (?), Cherie Tucker, Kim Tracy, John Van Sickle, Gayle Vender, Jodi Weddle, Mary Wiebelhaus, Rachelle Wilson, Jared Witt, Cam Young, Alicia Zamzow.