Several demonstrations at Hiattville 4-H meeting

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The regular monthly meeting of the Hiattville 4-H Club was held on Feb. 1. The meeting was called to order by President Hannah Fry. Roll call answered by 19 members and three leaders who thought of something you would find in a first aid kit.

Chance Kimrey gave a par law demonstration on how to amend a motion. The leaders reported on changes at the fair, achievement award applications, upcoming 4-H camps and other events.

The members joined in singing "Bill Grogin's Goat," and then the program was presented.

Colby Baily showed the club a few pictures he drew. Kalen Simpson showed the group his new convertible shotgun/rifle. Clay Brillhardt gave a few demonstrations on Tae Kwon Do. Clay Brillhardt won the traveling trophy with his demonstrations. The meeting was adjourned and followed with a game called "Over and Lower."

Refreshments were served by the Snyder family.

Submitted by Haydon Schaaf, reporter