Fort Scott Community College hears truck program presentation
In the past year, Fort Scott Community College's truck driving program has graduated 226 students and boasts a 74 percent placement in the industry.
Director of Public Relations Kathleen Hinrichs said 167 students from the Fort Scott and Kansas City site of the program got jobs in trucking. The remaining students still needed trucking certification, but went to work for the state or city, she said, quoting a report given to the board of trustees at a recent meeting.
The report covers the period from July 2010-June 2011, Hinrichs said.
In other business, the board:
* Approved game management payments for men's and women's basketball games from 2011-12.
Total projected cost is $3,960 and covers scorebooks, the announcer, game clock, shot clock, security and a ticket taker.
* Approved community bus charters for the 2011-12 season. Total estimated cost is $6,316 for trips from December 2011 through August 2012.
Trips are subject to cancellation, and the cost is shared with ticket holders and community service monies, according to information provided by FSCC.
* Approved the student fraternization policy. While faculty and staff are encouraged to foster appropriate relationships with students, fraternization (amorous, romantic, etc.) between any college employee and any registered FSCC student is stricly prohibited, according to information from FSCC. "Faculty and/or staff who violate this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination of employment," according to the agenda material. Hinrichs said the policy was "added for good practice."
* Heard reports on the bookstore and on the construction trades program.