- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
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Old county farm is sold
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
The polls opened at 6 a.m., and by 4 o'clock this afternoon, only 665 votes had been cast in the five voting places in Fort Scott for congressman to succeed the late Hon. A.C. Mitchell. But a light vote was expected during the rest of the evening at each of the various wards and probably not more than one thousand votes will be cast in the entire city. Reports from the country districts are to the effect that voting there is lighter in proportion than in the city.
The ballots used throughout Bourbon County today in the congressional election were so defective that there is grave danger that the entire vote of the county will be thrown out.
Married: On the evening of October 27th, 1886, at the residence of Isaac Van Brunt, with Squire Metcalf officiating, were Mr. Irwin Mead and Miss Letha Van Brunt, all of Drywood Township.
Perhaps Mrs. A.H. Miller of Kansas City will not spend Christmas this year at the old farm in the Maple Grove neighborhood. For the farm has been sold and the two brothers, Alford and Maurice, and their sister, Mabel, will leave to make their home elsewhere.
Mrs. Miller had not missed spending a Christmas at the old home until last year. With the sale of the Jenkins farm comes the breaking up of one of the oldest pioneer homes in this section of the country. Their grandfather came here from Ohio with an ox team in 1857. In 1859 he "entered" the farm which has been known as the Jenkins farm. George Lotterer, Fort Scott furniture man, is the present owner.
He holds a deed to the elder Jenkins signed by President U.S. Grant. The Jenkins brothers and their sister have not made definite plans for the future.
Photo caption: "One of these five candidates will reign as Fort Scott High School homecoming queen Friday night. Coronation ceremonies will be held during half-time of the Tiger-Parsons tilt at Frary Field. The candidates, selected by football players, are Sharon Brashears, Joyce Todd, Marilyn Clary, Barbara Covey and Joan Lyons."--Tribune photo
The basement of Eugene Ware School was authorized for use as a fallout shelter and a study of the needs to complete the project were authorized at a meeting of the Fort Scott School Board.
It would be a Civil Defense project rather than a school program and would require some alterations, mostly of a minor nature. Finances would come from a trust fund of Key Work Clothes which has been set aside for educational purposes or other humanitarian needs.
Installation of officers was a feature of the Devon 4-H Club October meeting at Crescent schoolhouse. Included are Leon Perry, Janice Hammons, Linda Harper, Bob McBride and Marilyn Maxwell.
Photo caption: "Fort Scott High School sophomore Missy Friend, accompanied by Tiger Coach Cindy Davis, is scheduled to compete on Saturday in state Class 5A girls' cross country competition at Manhattan. Friend ran a season best 12:47 over two miles to place seventh in last Saturday's regional at Coffeyville." -- Photo by Dave Wagner
Pvt. David Singmaster, United States Marine Corps, has completed basic training at San Diego, Calif. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Singmaster, Fort Scott.
Photo caption: "Paula Elder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elder, and Larry Hatcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hatcher, reigned over Uniontown High School homecoming festivities Oct. 25. Selection was made by student body vote."