- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
State Farm Family of the Year chosen
Friday, October 14, 2011
T.J. Beatty has bought one of the new model Cadillac motor cars from the Fort Scott Grain & Implement Co. It is electric lighted and self-starting and one of the handsomest cars ever seen here. Jack Corby, of Pleasanton, last night contracted for one of the same cars from this company.
Many a case of the croup has been stopped in its early stages with Mentholatum, the universally household remedy. It should be in every home. Buy it of James Lear Jr., 14 S. Main St.
Save at Fort Scott's cleanest grocery -- Martin Grocery Co., 623 S. National Ave.: fine Louisiana molasses in 2-lb. cans, 10 cents per can; fancy comb honey, per pound, 20 cents.
Buttonholes will once more bloom with gay bits of cardboard Saturday as the Goodlander Home for children holds its annual tag day. Smiling ladies at each street corner will offer the tags for any contribution the public wishes to give.
This is one of the state's oldest institutions for the care and protection of orphaned children. Fort Scott always responded generously to the plea to help carry on the home's work for unfortunate and needy children and give them equal chance to life with other boys and girls. The tag day funds are entirely different from the regular running expense funds of the home. The tag day money will be used for repairs which have become necessary to the home.
There were many visitors at the new Elm Creek Lake yesterday eager to see the new lake which was filled by last week's rains until the water ran over the spillway for the first time. Among the interesting sights seen by visitors to the lake yesterday was a flock of between 150 and 200 pelicans.
HEPLER -- Mr, and Mrs. Bill McClintick and family have been selected as the Kansas Farm Family of the Year and will be honored at the American Royal in Kansas City. The McClinticks and their two children, John and Sharyl, live on a farm four miles southwest of Hepler where they have 600 acres under cultivation and 300 acres in pasture.
Editorial: 'A Way to Measure'
Between 300 and 400 people showed Gordon Parks their appreciation at the banquet held in his honor and the premiere of his latest film.
Asked whether he had seen any differences in his hometown he said, "Yes, for me there is a change. You must realize that's because memories are not the best."