Family visits, birthdays highlights of past week
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Betty Hixon treated her granddaughter and family, Dana, Barry, Alicia and Alex, to Chicken Mary's and enjoyed shopping Saturday evening Aug. 6.
Joe and Shirley White have new twin great-granddaughters born July 28. Their names are Hadleigh JoLynn and Kinleigh JoAnn, and their mother is Alicia Craig. Shirley has enjoyed spending some time with them.
Thelma Marquardt, Diane and Roger Cavin, Randy Phillips, Brent and Danielle Cavin have returned from a trip to Las Vegas.
Kathy and Ron Higgins, Tulsa, and Loren and Stephanie Karleskint and boys, Spring Hill, visited with Buena Karleskint Sunday, Aug. 7.
Ron and Linda Center traveled to Kansas City Wednesday, Aug. 3.
Sunday, Aug. 7, Bill Eshelbrenner, Norma Hoyt, and Kathy and Dick Allen, visited Norma's daughter, Gayle and Tim Daly in Peculiar.
Tuesday, Aug. 2, Shirley White traveled to Arma and brought Alice Craig, Hadleigh and Kinleigh to her home. Joining them were Earl and Laurel White. The twins are the White's great-great granddaughters. Bob and Linda McBride, Rachelle Craig Cagle and Marsha Clark enjoyed seeing them, too.
Ethan and Amanda Smilie Helena and Ben, Fredonia, have been visiting with their parents, David and Sheila Blubaugh and Dale and Pat Smilie.
Saturday, Bill Eschelbrenner and Norma Hoyt traveled to Independence, Kan., to visit Bill's daughter, Carol Jean Moody and baby Jackson.
Thursday, Aug. 4, Debbie and LeRoy White, Tera Anderson, Spencer, Gentry and Curtis White, all of Oak Grove, Mo., Susan and Ron McBride, visited with Joe and Shirley White. They all enjoyed celebrating Alicia's 23rd birthday at Chicken Mary's.
Friday evening, Scott and Kacy Center and James enjoyed the Royals game in Kansas City.
Sunday evening, Drs. Phillip and Marilyn Hoyt, Walker, La., came for a visit with his mother, Norma Hoyt.