Honor, new laws, line-item vetoes
Memorial Day we honor those who have paid a price for our freedom. President Lincoln said it most eloquently, "to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of freedom." Our gratitude to those that have lost their lives and loved ones is overflowing. "We are the land of the free because of the brave."
The governor recently signed several bills into law, including the state budget.
One bill that was signed into law was the expensing bill. The new law will allow taxpayers to fully deduct the cost of some assets placed in service that would otherwise be depreciated over many years. The property must be located in Kansas to qualify for expensing. This bill passed the house with 122 yes votes and zero no votes and becomes effective July 1.
The Kansas Public Employees Retirement System (KPERS) will be modified to make several changes, including action to be taken by the 2012 legislature. The law impacts current and future KPERS participants for future service only. It does not affect the plans of current retirees, police, firemen, or judges. The law establishes a 13-member study commission to consider alternative retirement plans, including defined contributions or hybrid plans.
Hopefully, the commission will consider allowing plan participants to select a personal option and to offer incentives for the necessary changes.
The law increases the state contributions on a sliding scale from .6 percent to .9 percent in fiscal year (FY) 2014, increasing to 1.2 percent in 2017.
Tier 1 participants will be required to choose if they stay at the current contribution level of 4 percent and their benefits will decrease to a 1.4 percent multiplier from the current 1.75 percent or increase their contribution to 6 percent with an increase benefit of a 1.85 percent multiplier.
Tier 2 participants will have to increase contributions to 6 percent and choose between a 1.75 percent multiplier and lose COLA for all service or a 1.4 percent multiplier and keep the COLA. Participants will have 90 days after July 1, 2013, to choose which option they want with changes effective January 2014.
New employees will automatically be enrolled in the 6 percent contribution 1.75 percent multiplier with no COLA plan. The law also uses 80 percent of the proceeds from the sell-off of excess state-owned real estate property to pay down the KPERS unfunded liability. I was one of 30 house members that voted "no" on this bill.
The governor line-item vetoed the "tax" increase on state employee health insurance. It is good to see that the governor is looking out for the taxpayer and stands by his commitment.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns at (913) 898-2366 as I am not able to receive phone calls or messages at the Topeka office number.
Editor's Note: Rep. Caryn Tyson, R-Parker, can be reached at (913) 898-2366, or by email at Caryn.Tyson@house.ks.gov.