- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Well-known physician mourned; grad gifts
Friday, May 13, 2011
Gifts for the Graduate -- Everything for the Class of 1911. We have a complete line of mesh bags, tapestry bags, belt pins, hat pins, card cases for girls; tie pins, cuff links, tie clamps, watch fobs, chains for boys. -- Verne Powell, 7 S. Main St.
There is but one business that the darkness helps, outside of the gas industry. That is the hack line. The hackmen have been greatly benefited by the lack of street car service and street lights and receive calls now to go places where people formerly went by car and even walked. Couples in the darkness cause the ladies to be justly afraid to go home in the dark and their better half usually sees that a cab calls at the house. Cabmen did a good business last night for the Lotis Ashby-Othick concert.
John F. Winkleman died yesterday. He passed away in the little office where for so many years he had listened to the many small grievances and suits that it is the business of a justice of the peace to dispose of. Judge Winkleman was a man with a more than ordinary history.
His life came to an end in this Kansas town, but his origin reached back into the days before the Revolutionary War and into Germany. He studied law here under the late C.E. Cory. He was admitted to the bar about 1901. The Winkleman family antedates early American history. Judge Winkleman's great grandfather was Mathias Winkleman, who was born in Hesse Castle, Germany, the son of a nobleman.
Like many Germans, he followed a military career and came to America as a Hessian soldier when England's King George III sent over the Hessian troops to quell the colonies. His service to the colonies was long and honorable.
Miss Ann McCurley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. McCurley, 702 Lowman, was married April 9 to Mr. Charley C. Johnson, Route 5. The bride is a junior at Kansas State University. Mr. Johnson is stationed with the Army at Fort Riley.
Photo caption: "Larry Gazaway holds a 200-year-old fireplace kettle which belonged to his great-great-grandparents. The kettle will hang in the fireplace of the log cabin replica, built for the centennial celebration at Cato. The field seen behind Gazaway will be covered by a big tent museum containing many items of historic interest to visitors."
Three teachers were hired by the school board. They will assume duties in the Fort Scott system next fall. Dick McKinnis was employed physical education instructor at the junior high school. He also will be head ninth-grade basketball coach.
He will be employed at a salary of $5,275. Mrs. Bernice Norton has been employed to teach in the Winfield Scott School. Mrs. Dorotha Rutherford was employed to teach kindergarten in the Winfield Scott School at a salary of $3,900. Fred Campbell will be moved up to the head coaching position of the ninth grade.
Dr. A.C. Irby, a man whose multitude of interests kept him almost as active in retirement as he was during 46 years of baby medical practice, died Monday night (May 12) at Mercy Hospital. He was known as "doctor" to thousand of patients, A.C. to acquaintances and "Craft" Irby to close family friends. Irby spent 26 years in pediatrics in Fort Scott and ended his 46-year medical career on Sept. 30, 1976, at Newman-Young Clinic.
He is a past president of the Kansas Chapter of the American Association of Pediatrics. Bourbon County Commissioners commended Irby in March for his dedication to Tri-Valley Developmental Center.