Program enrollment deadline approaching
The focal point of last week's writing was the end of the enrollment period for the 2010 Direct and Counter-cyclical Program (DCP) and Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) program that will soon arrive. June 1 is the final opportunity for enrollment in either of these program options for 2010. Please drop by our office or call to make an appointment, (620) 223-1880, to get the needed paperwork timely completed!
In addition to the program enrollment, acreage reports for this year's wheat, oats, and barley crops must be filed by that same June 1 date (June 30 for Missouri farms). The other spring and summer planted crops (corn, soybeans, grain sorghum, etc.) have a later filing deadline of August 2 (the same for Missouri farms this year).
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Jonathan Coppess recently sent out a reminder for producers to submit their annual report of acreage to their local FSA county office to meet FSA program eligibility requirements.
"Producers must file their reports accurately and timely for all crops and land uses, including prevented and failed acreage, to ensure they receive the maximum FSA program benefits possible," said Coppess.
Accurate acreage reports are necessary to determine and maintain eligibility for various programs, such as the Direct and Counter-cyclical Program and newer programs authorized in the 2008 Farm Bill. Programs include the Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program (SURE), Average Crop Revenue Election Program (ACRE), Livestock Forage Disaster Program (LFP), Tree Assistance Program (TAP), and Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm Raised Fish Program (ELAP).
Acreage reports are considered timely filed when completed by the applicable final crop reporting deadline as mentioned above. Prevented planted acreage must be reported within 15 calendar days after the final planting date. Failed acreage must be reported before the disposition of the crop. Producers should contact their county FSA office if they are uncertain about reporting deadlines.
Late-filed provisions may be available to producers who are unable to meet the reporting deadline as required. Reports filed after the established deadline must meet certain requirements to be accepted and may be charged late fees equal to $46 per farm.
Producers should visit their county FSA office to complete acreage reporting. For questions on this or any FSA program, including specific crop reporting deadlines and planting dates, producers should contact their county FSA office. More information on FSA programs is at:
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Editor's Note: Doug Niemeir is the County Executive Director for the USDA/Farm Service Agency. He can be reached by emailing him at