
Prepare for the quick return of the Lord

Friday, May 22, 2009

I volunteer for the high school softball team.

Basically that means I am in charge of bandaids, nacho cheese for the concession stand, and encouragement for the ones who make errors or strike out. It has been a frustrating spring for our girls; due to the number of rainouts, the postponements, cancellations, and rescheduling nightmares have kept our Activities Director busy and our athletes disappointed.

Numerous times they came to school in their uniforms, hoping there would be a game. Instead, they practiced ... and practiced ... and practiced, indoors.

Coaches Metcalf, Barrows, and Uhler didn't let up; they knew that these girls had to be ready, just in case there actually was a day without a deluge. Drills followed more drills because, after all, "Practice Makes Perfect."

The goal was to have the athletes prepared, so that, when the day came that the weather was clear and the field dry, they would be ready.

Matthew 25 illustrates the importance of being prepared. It's the parable Jesus told about ten virgins who took their lamps to meet the bridegroom (Jesus). Five brought no oil to keep their lamps burning, and sure enough, when the bridegroom showed up, their lamps had gone out and they could not see to find him.

Since the wise virgins refused to share their oil, the foolish women went looking for oil. "And while they were going away to make the purchase, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast; and the door was shut. And later the other virgins also came, saying, 'Lord, Lord, open up for us.' But he answered and said, 'Truly I say to you, I do not know you.' Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour."

We are called to be ready 24/7 to stand before God, and our preparedness is eternally more significant than our athletes'. Are you ready? Have you even given eternity a second thought, or are you expecting a warning siren ... kind of like the tornado alert this past month ... so that you can then start praying and reading your Bible and repenting and actually THINKING about God?

What, dear reader, if there is no such opportunity? What if your heart gives out or a drunk driver hits you head-on or you have a brain aneurysm or Jesus returns "in the twinkling of an eye"? What then?

We should be preparing now. We should be getting our hearts and our minds ready for the day when we will stand before God and be judged for how real our walk with Him actually is. Regardless of the circumstances. Rain or shine.