- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Memories spring eternal
Friday, February 6, 2009
The juniors of the high school last evening gave a five course dinner to the members of the faculty at the home of Miss Grace Hart. 512 Main Street.
The senior girls of the high school decided upon a uniform dress for graduation. They will wear white linen shirt waist suits with black string ties and black slippers. No decision as to the wearing of an academic cap has been reached.
The Goodlander Hotel is doing a good business now after the holiday season. Last night every room in the house was occupied. This speaks pretty well for the prosperity of the city and also for the elegance of the service to be had under the Pete Baker regime.
We have country produce on hand at all times. We allow better prices for country products in exchange for your trade than other grocers. -- Neubauer Grocer Co., No. 11 Market Street.
Mrs. Earl Schumaker and Mrs. George Cleland have set the ball rolling for a benefit dance for Main Street and Burke Street Mercy hospitals. The affair is to be given the night of St. Patrick's Day at Memorial Hall. The ladies are asking support from city organizations. It is asked that the ladies be contacted to inquire how they can help.
The regular monthly meeting of employees of the plant department of the Bell Telephone Co. will be held in this city Thursday. Following the meeting a banquet will be held.
Wendel Biles, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Biles of southwest of the city, who was injured recently when kicked by a pony, was here this morning for treatment.
Harry Dugan, of 12 miles south of the city, had business here yesterday.
Mrs. Anna Carey, of the Devon neighborhood, is reported confined to her home on account of illness.
The enlistment of three youths in the area has already boosted the Navy Recruitment office here to thee-fourths of its February quota. The three who have been sent to San Diego for boot training for the first phase of their four-year enlistment include Kenneth Jerold Payne, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Payne, and Charles Harvey Scammell, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.A. Scammell, Fort Scott; and Charles Joe Hoskins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoskins, Pleasanton.
Airman Rowena D. Elbrader, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elbrader, has been assigned to a unit of the Air Defense Command at Richards-Gebaur AFB, Mo., for training as an administrative clerk. She completed basic training at Lackland AFB. Elbrader is a graduate of Fort Scott High School.
Area students earning academic honors for the fall semester at Pittsburg State University include on the All "A" Mike Baker, Sara Emery, Derek Eshelbrenner, Frank Hildebrand, Cheryl Miller, David Elliott and Steven Ronsick, Fort Scott; Nancy Schifferdecker, Hepler; Lynda Diane Beachner, St. Paul; and Terry Diane Crain, Uniontown. The Dean's Honor roll includes Nelda Ann Johnston, Blue Mound; George Henry David, Bronson; Daniel E. Davenport, Farlington; Beverly Ballou, Laurie Center, Timothy Crane, Barbara Kindall, Richard Lauber, Esther McCracken, Tamara Shankel, Kimberlee Sinn, Nancy Ann Comozzie, Tricia Hart, Janet Sue Ronsick, Fort Scott; Joel Hays, Mapleton; Susan Bradford and Steven Isaac, Moran; Gene Buche, Mulberry; Jeanette Sue Sexton and Marcia Beachner, St. Paul.
Photo caption: "Rhonda Felt, Redfield, is all smiles after being crowned 1984 Homecoming Queen of Fort Scott Community College. She is escorted by Mark Thurman, Topeka." -- Photo by Bob Weems
According to new Federal Regulations, beginning Jan. 1, 1984, Citizens National Bank increased the interest earned on Regular (Passbook) Accounts from 5.25 to 5.50. This is an annual rate and the interest earned will be credited to the customer's account quarterly.