Uniontown Ruritan Club donates to family
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The December meeting of the Uniontown Ruritan Club was held in the Annex of the United Methodist Church. President Lawrence George called the meeting to order.
Dale Jackson led the club in singing, "America." Dave Kuns gave the invocation. A special welcome was given to the visitors present.
President Lawrence George thanked the ladies of the United Methodist Women for the delicious Ham Christmas dinner, which brought a round of applause from the Club. Secretary Skeet George called the roll and reported 22 members present.
The treasurers report and operating fund expenses were read. Foundation fund expenses were also paid.
New business was the discussion of a car accident east of Uniontown; it was moved to give $100 for food to the family who were involved in the accident and to take up a collection from club members who cared to give additional contributions. The Collection yielded an additional $222 for the family.
Skeet George announced that four certificates were awarded to the Uniontown Ruritan Club at the District Convention in Ottawa, Kan.
Jake Underwood also received the Robert Downing award for community service at that meeting.
Club members and guests retired to the sanctuary of the church, where Jeff Tinsley entertained the group with songs and accompanied on his Guitar. The music was enjoyed by all.
For new business, installation of officers was conducted by Jake Underwood, as follows: Dale Jackson, president; Lawrence George, vice-president; Raymond "Skeet" George, secretary; and Chad Holt, treasurer. Jake Underwood then presented outgoing president, Lawrence George with a past president's pin.
The group was dismissed by all repeating the Salute to the American Flag.