
Memories spring eternal ...

Friday, January 2, 2009



Newt Gunsaullus has become a permanent attache of the courthouse. He is at the register of deeds office each day now and expects to absorb a great deal of information about the routine of that office between now and Jan. 11th, the day the present incumbent, Mr. Drum, surrenders to him.

There were four places in Bourbon County where taxes might be paid. This being the county seat, the major fraction of the taxes was paid here. But a sub-treasury was in operation at Fulton, Bronson and Garland. Fulton seemed to have collected more money than any other agency and turned over $6,000 to County Treasurer Carpenter. Bronson and Garland had about $400 each.

Uncle Hugh Draper of the South Side, was born the same day the year 1840 was born. In other words, he was 69 years old yesterday. Mr. Draper entertained his family with an elegant dinner. He had the pleasure of presiding at the table at which sat about all of his children and other relatives.



Dances of the Veterans of Foreign Wars are becoming very popular and last night at the New Year's dance at Memorial Hall basement about 250 persons enjoyed the festivities. Specialty numbers were given by Olan Crane, accompanied by Roy Grigsby. Mr. Crane played on the broomstick fiddle.

Mrs. Anna A. Austin, 85, believed to have been he first woman ever to have been elected mayor of any city, when she was elevated to the mayoralty of Pleasanton in 1892, died Sunday at her home at Butler, Mo. Mrs. Austin was long a well known church and temperance worker, who was a personal friend of the late Carrie Nation.

Transient Home Notes:

The noon meal consisted of roast pork, dressing, spinach, mashed potatoes and coffee. Frankfurters and potato salad were the chief dishes in the evening. There was no special New Year' meal, but it was a good substantial menu with pork hearts providing the meat dish.

Superintendent F.B. Tate today indicated that probably about 100 men from the Home will be put to work on some kind of a project on Wednesday or Thursday of this week. The men will work four hours a day. The work is to be a considerable distance from the Home, and it will be necessary to transport the men to and form their work.



Four New Year's dances at the Eagles Club, Elks Club, VFW and the Armory were well attended despite the inclement weather.

The Missouri Pacific Railroad did not have a train through Fort Scott New Year's Day. Passenger trains have long since been removed and the four freight trains we canceled Thursday.

The snow storm Tuesday and Wednesday helped the Frisco passenger business. A number of motorists going into Texas and New Mexico abandoned their cars here and took the train.

ARCADIA (By Nancy Brown) -- Holiday Greetings to all the readers of our Arcadia items. It has been a pleasure to report the weekly happenings of this community. Special greetings to all the Tribune staff and folks who are cooperative in phoning in their news.



Photo caption: "Scott Duane Wallace arrived at 6:13 a.m. Sunday at Mercy Hospital to become the first baby born in Bourbon County in 1984. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wallace, Mound City, are the parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Blair, former Fort Scott residents, celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary Christmas Day at the home of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Blair, Denver. Their daughter, Marilyn Corporon, and son, Randy, were also guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Owen Flagg, 406 W. 18th, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Dec. 18 with friends and family at the First Church of God. Their daughter, Mary Sue Flagg, was hostess.