Kansas State Highway Patrol fights school violence with hotline
By Rayma Silvers
The Fort Scott Tribune
Students who have prior knowledge of school violence may be able to help prevent it from happening.
According to the Kansas State Highway Patrol, these students can anonymously report the potential violent acts by calling the Kansas School Safety Hotline.
To help promote the hotline, the Kansas Department of Education is conducting a scholarship contest. The contest, which is open to all 2008-09 high school seniors in the state of Kansas, will provide winners with college scholarships of up to $1,250.
Since students play an important role in the prevention of school violence, the school violence hotline makes it possible for law enforcement officers to become aware of potential problems without any risk to the students who report the violence, according to the Kansas State Troopers Association Web site, www.kstroopers.com.
"The Kansas State Department of Education, in cooperation with the Kansas Highway Patrol, has established a school safety hotline," the KSTA Web site said. "This hotline is a toll free number available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year to give students, parents, and community members the opportunity to report any impending school violence. As you are aware, students usually have knowledge of potential school violence before it occurs. This hotline gives students the opportunity to anonymously report any potential violence."
According to a KHP press release, students can compete in any of the contest's three different categories. Seniors can enter the contest by creating a 30-second school safety public service announcement for television, which must be submitted in DVD or VHS format; or a 30-second school safety public service announcement for radio, which must be submitted on compact disc or audio cassette.
Regarding television and radio entries, Windows Media Player is the preferred format. However, MP3 or Quick Time can also be used for submissions. In addition, participants can enter the contest by creating an 11 X 17 school safety poster, according to the KHP. Each entry must include the Kansas School Safety Hotline telephone number, (877) 626-8203, and be submitted to the KSDE by Dec. 15.
Entries, which will be judged by a panel of school safety experts from the KSDE and the KHP, can be on the topics of school violence, bullying, cyberbullying, weapons, bombs, battery or abuse, according to KHP.
"Judging will be based on originality, persuasiveness of the message, and potential for Internet, broadcast and print marketing purposes by KSDE and KHP," KHP said.
According to KHP, participants can enter the contest more than once in each category. However, a separate entry form should be filled out for each entry. The winners will be announced on Jan. 15, 2009.
For more information, contest rules or entry forms, visit www.KansasHighwayPatrol.org.