
Ann Ludlum

FCS Agent, Southwind District

Editor's Note: Ann Ludlum is a K-State Research and Extension family and consumer sciences and 4-H extension agent assigned to Southwind District -- Fort Scott office. She may be reached at (620) 223-3720 or aludlum@ksu.edu.


Kelmr celebrates 100, Akins performs for congregation

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Beverly Davis, Lavone Page, Dora Page, Clara Brewer and Pastor Mary Akins enjoyed attending a brunch at the Farlington W.M.C., on July 10.

Judy Tripp gave a birthday offering and Joe and Ann Ludlum and Mabel and Elmer Miller gave anniversary offering at worship July 13. Pastor Mary's sermon was titled "Knock knock." Scripture was read from Psalm 37 and Samuel 3:1-20

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. John Conyan, Effie Mitehill, Beverly Davis and Clara Brewer were among the large crowd attending the 90th birthday party for Dorothy Kelmr, July 19, at the Fort Scott Inn.

Good luck to all the 4-Hers and FFA youth as they participate in the fair this week.

Paula Brewer enjoyed spending a few days last week visiting Paul, Leah, and Solomon Brewer, in Fort Collins, Colo.

Welcome visitors at worship July 20, were the Rev. Jim Akins, husband of Pastor Mary and Sherryl and Monte Fall. The congregations greatly appreciated the special music procured by the Akins. They play several instruments. This morning the Rev. Jim played the hammer dulcimer and pastor Mary played the auto-harp and the mountain dulcimer as pastor Mary sang "Well with my soul." Her sermon was titled "the Sounds of Our Lives." Scripture was read from Psalms 150 and I Samuel 16:14-23.

A potluck lunch was enjoyed following Sunday School with the monthly administrative board held with Ronnie Brown Presiding. Reports were made by various committee chairman.

Following church services Sunday morning Elmer and Mabel Miller drove to Salina to visit their daughter and son-in-law Sandra and Carl Ellis. They took some furniture from the house here that the Ellis' own. They returned home Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Maloney and Mrs. Helen Maloney have been enjoying visiting relatives from Texas.