Hurricanes get new, safer diving blocks
Area residents and supporters of the Fort Scott Hurricanes recently pulled together, making a dream a reality for the local swim team.
According to Hurricane Assistant Coach Jared Leek, the diving blocks that the undefeated swim team had been using during home meets, were outdated and in bad shape. In addition, the current diving blocks do not fit properly in the side of the pool guttering and are extremely heavy and difficult to maneuver from the shed to the pool deck, Leek said. In fact, since the current blocks are made out of steel, they are much too cumbersome to install at every practice. Therefore, the members of the swim team only use the diving blocks at swim meets, Leek said.
In an effort to raise funds for the purchase of new diving blocks, Leek put together a donation pledge form and distributed it at the team's home swim meet last Wednesday. Also at the swim meet, Leek installed a diving block prototype that was created by Twister Trailer, so that parents and swim team supporters could see what the new diving blocks would look like as well as see one in action. The pledge forms that Leek circulated at the swim meet explained the diving block situation.
"Our current diving blocks have been around for years," Leek said. "They do not properly fit to the side of the gutter, are extremely heavy and difficult to maneuver form the shed to the pool deck and back again for practices and meets, and many of them are broken and have to be manipulated for each use."
Response to raising funds for the new blocks was so positive that it generated a little more than $4,000 in about 30 minutes, Leek said. Just enough money to purchase the eight new blocks that are needed. The new blocks, according to Leek, will be lightweight, functional and easily accessible for use at both practices and meets. With the new blocks, Leek said, the swimmers will be able to access them during practice as well as meets, causing the swimmers to excel.
"Our starts will be a lot better," Leek said, "because we will be able to use the new blocks at practice."
Fort Scott Hurricane Emily Martin said she is excited about the new diving blocks. After diving off of the prototype, Martin said it was easier than diving off of the current blocks.
"It's easier and feels safer," she said. "The old ones jiggled around a lot."
The new aluminum diving blocks, which will cost $500 a piece, will be in place for the Hurricane's July 16th swim meet, according to written information provided by Leek.
The Hurricanes will compete in a home meet against Humbolt at 6 p.m. tonight at the Fort Scott Municipal Swimming Pool. Leek said area residents are welcome to come out to watch the meet and get a glimpse of the diving block prototype.