Thursday Nite Live studies the air
Thursday Nite Live met recently for the monthly meeting at Mercy's Xavier Room. Mary Wynn and Alice Helton provided wonderful refreshments. The group discussed several items of business: among those were providing cookies for the Visitor Center of the Chamber, dressing downtown windows, working at the fair, pennies for the park.
Mary Wynn presented the program titled "The Air We Breathe." Indoor air hazards include mold and mildew, harmful vapors from household cleaners or solvents, unvented gas stove and range, smoking inside the home, lead-based pain, radon, pesticides and garden chemicals. Use and maintain carbon monoxide alarms in your home, read labels on all cleaning products, long or short term radon kits are available. Do not allow smoking in your home especially if infants and children are present, they are very susceptible to the effects of passive smoking
The next meeting will be at Representative Shirley Palmer's home, June 19, at 5:15pm. Diane Spencer will present the program "Books, the Other Channel."
If interested in attending, please call (620) 223-0141 or (620) 223-3720.