
Memories spring eternal ...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



Commencement week is on at the Collegiate Institute and six young people will be awarded diplomas. Last evening Miss Anna Smith, who graduates in music, gave a final recital at Chapel Hall which was crowded by the young friends of this pleasing young lady. Tomorrow morning Dr. Brown, of Findlay College (Ohio), will deliver the class address. The graduates are C.B. Berry, Cameron, Mo; C.W. Musgrave, Grundy Center, Iowa; Miss Anna Smith, Yates Center, Kans.; Alba Alford, Medicine Lodge, Kans.; R.F. Mitchell, Ava, Mo. One student graduates in music and the others in the preparatory course.

Theodore Wheeler and Earl Hanford, messenger boys at the Missouri Pacific and Western Union offices, respectively, were at their work today minus eyebrows. The attaches of the Pacific telegraph office caught the boys yesterday and just for the fun of it, shaved the growth of hair from over their eyes. They look like they had been held over a fire and the hair singed off. When the boys grow up to be life-sized men, they will avenge the miserable deed.



Notice: After June 1, 1933, it will be necessary for all persons desiring Water Service, when moving from one location to another, or securing water for the first time, to place a deposit at the Water Office, in line with the estimated consumption over period of three months, or secure a guarantee from the Landlord or three tax payers of the city of Fort Scott, Kansas. All deposit money received will draw interest at rate fixed by law.--Freeman D . Martin, Commissioner of Streets and Public Utilities.

Mrs. Louis Bohon was hostess last night to the B-Gay Club and took them over to Nevada where they enjoyed a dinner at Reid's Cafe and afterwards went to the show to see "Bedtime Story." Eight members enjoyed the trip.



A junior high school cast of 125 will present "The Magic Piper," an operetta, May 16 at the junior high auditorium. Miss Margaret Carl is the director. Leading roles belong to Sue Schwartz, Jack Fulton, Stephen Biddle and Leslie Blubaugh. Others who have singing roles are John Matthews, Dennis Wright, John Harryman, Carolyn Smith, Eddie Beaver, Joyce Tucker, Larry Sinn and Ray Swearingen. Pat Blair will accompany Marilyn Rapier in a ballet number.

Lee Taylor, Route 2, says he and Mrs. Taylor lost one of their best friends a few days ago, which was almost like family to them. It was their big Shepherd dog they had for 15 years. They had raised the dog from a pup to be a good stock dog.

Mrs. Glen Nightengale recalls a sale they held in 1954 when the temperature for that day reached a high of 120 degrees, the highest ever recorded here. Fred Ury, Tribune weather man, says this was July 13 and 14. Mrs. Nightengale says there was no loss among the livestock and no heat prostrations among the Fort Scott sale barn personnel.



Rhonda Dunn, a Fort Scot High School junior, and Photo caption: "Tracey Keith, a senior, was crowned Spring Sports queen during the Girls Invitational Track Meet at Fort Scott High School. Her escort was Mike Chermok, also a senior. He is a member of the FSHS track team. Miss Keith's attendants were Susan Allen, a junior, and Kim Mays, a sophomore."

Harold's, Hwy. 69, next to WalMart, celebrates your lucky day Friday the 13th: Grade A medium eggs, 29 cents a dozen; Holland Dutch Ice Cream, half-gallon 49 cents; Butternut Coffee, 16-oz. $1.89; Cheer, 49 oz. laundry detergent $1.79; Foremost Cottage Cheese, 24-oz. 89 cents.