Tricking Husband, story of wrong car
The short stories that I am about to tell you, I am sure most women can relate to. All I have to say is I can't find my car in a parking lot (any lot) and most women have had the same problem. I think it started back when I first began to drive. I just don't seem to have much sense of direction, sad to say the problem just won't go away. For several years we have had two cars, when I come out to get in my car, I forget which car I am driving.(that's excusable isn't it) Naturally they are different colors, different makes, different years, you get the picture. So by the time it dawns on me I am looking for the wrong car, I have been walking around the parking lot for quite a spell. I just have a tendency to get into some one else's car, or try to. One day Bob and I were in Marshfield, and I wanted to drop off some magazines at St Vincent, Bob sat out in the car while I took the magazines inside. I made a mental note where we were parked, but every time I would come to that spot, there was someone else's car parked there, and I was getting a wee bit frustrated. At the time we had a red car and a white car. Once again I walked around the lot always coming back to the same place, I stood there scratching my head, thinking what in tarnation is going on, when up pops Bob's head, and he is laughing his fool head off. He was ducking every time I came by the car. I said "Bob why didn't you holler?" His reply, "what, and miss the show." I gave him a piece of my mind, and he said, "you are always saying you need exercise, so thought you wouldn't mind walking around for awhile." What a guy, always has my best interest at heart. Another day I was on my way home from Pittsville, stopped to pick up our Sunday paper, parked the car out in front, bought the paper and ran back outside. I opened the door threw the paper inside, hopped in and landed on a fella's lap. I attempted to retrieve the paper, which was everywhere, also to untangle myself from the fella's lap and the steering wheel. I was so embarrassed! The poor unsuspecting man (victim) was staring straight ahead and trying to point to my car which was right in from of his. In my defense, they were both red! He said "this isn't your car, that's your car right in front of me" By the time I finally got out of his car, I looked like the Wreck of The Hesperus. I dreaded to tell Bob my tale of woe, but he took one look at me and the Sunday paper, which was a shambles, and said "Ok, what happened?" By the time I was finished with my sad story, he was doubled over with laughter.
Another time I was trying to unlock my car door and getting more upset by the minute, when a man walked up and said "lady, that is my car you are trying to get into" I very meekly apologized and told him I couldn't find my car. He said "what make is it?" I said "a Chevy, either red or white", he gave me a strange look, got into his car and said "have a nice day."