- UMW meeting, activities planned, Ideal Chapter 369 O.E.S. also meets (1/14/09)
- Ideal Chapter 369 O.E.S. meets, members receive pins (11/21/08)
- Bourbon County United Methodist annual picnic scheduled (8/21/08)
- Fellowship tea scheduled August 6 (8/14/08)
- Family, friends attend Meisenheimer wedding (8/5/08)
- Last meeting of the Ideal Chapter No. 369 (7/17/08)
- 'God's Family' Bible School, U.M.W. executive committee (6/27/08)
Hiattville Palm Sunday services, The Passion Story
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Ideal Chapter met March 13 with Effie and Dean Mitchell presiding in the East as Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron. Regular business was conducted and the annual election of officers was held with the following results: Worthy Matron, Beverly Davis; Worthy Patron, Charles Gift; Associate Matron, Joyla Croan; Associate Patron, Dean Mitchell; Secretary, Clara Brewer; Treasurer Margaret McDermed; Conductress, Lynda Foster and associate Conductress, Agnes Armstrong.
The installation of new officers will be following a short meeting March 27. The installation will be open and all area Chapter members are invited to attend.
Ideal members are to bring sandwiches and cookies for the refreshments.
More plans were discussed for the Masons annual Chicken supper which is April 8. Lots of help is needed to prepare the food for this event. Those planning to help should be at the Lodge Hall by 12:30 that day.
Margaret McDermed gave the Sunshine report, members ill or having various surgeries since the last meeting were Karen Hines, Margaret McDermed, Effie Mitchell, Ruth Lewis and Larry Peel, husband of member Beverly Peel.
The Worthy Matron honored the officers that were present with a poem and thanked them for accepting their respective offices. Gifts of small flameless candles were presented to each one, compliments of the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron.
Margaret McDermed gave a birthday offering.
The Worthy Patron left the members with these words of wisdom, "For success, attitude is equally important as ability".
Refreshments of sandwiches and brownies were enjoyed after the meeting.
Beverly Davis and Lynda Foster were recently in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Lynda attended meetings of the National Dairy Asso. and Beverly shopped.
Visitors at church March 16 were Jessica Schwalm's friend Megan and Mrs. Doris Foster. As this year was Palm Sunday, everyone was presented with a Palm leaf as they entered the sanctuary.
Several of the congregation assisted Pastor Andy in presenting the Passion Story by reading scripture from the 23 Chapter of Luke.
Very inspiring Maundy Thursday and Tenebrae services were conducted by Pastor Andy on Thursday and Friday of Holy Week.
Mr. and Mrs. David Foster hosted another first birthday party for their daughter Ansely on March 15 for the relatives that weren't able to attend the first one.
Rachel and Kole Wagner were Thursday afternoon callers at the Clara Brewer home.
Audett ODell visited with her grandparents, Dean and Effie Mitchell on Thursday evening, March 20.
Damial Mersemheimer visited with his grandparents Bob and Glenda Miller. A family dinner was held for him on Saturday, March 22.
Many families enjoyed having Easter dinner get togethers.
Beverly Daves was host to 20 relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maloney had 18 relatives at their home and had a big Easter egg hunt after lunch.
Charles and Paula Brewer entertained 20 family members. I am sure there were many more family dinners that I didn't hear about.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Miller were in Springfield Mo., March 24, for Glenda to consult with the doctor.
Lorna Slater and Beverly Davis attended a Garden Club meeting March 25 and provided refreshments for the group.
Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs Leon Fry and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Fry and family at the death of their Mother and grandmother Ruby Peoples.
It is beginning to look more and more like spring with the grass greening up, robins and red birds and all the Conquills in bloom.
Still lots of people in the community not feeling well.