Bronson Ruritan members gather
Fourteen members and two guests attended the Bronson Ruritan meeting Feb. 25 at the Bronson Community Center. They enjoyed a pot-luck meal. President David Wilkins opened with the song "America" led by Julia Ann Rhoton. Glenn Smith gave a prayer. Roll call was given and objective committees were called on. Guests Carol George and Jane Elliott gave the program on Kansas Assisting Recovering Effort, a program to help flood victims. They referred to FEMA and how people deal with flooding. Members discussed the Ruritan Scholarship program. The plastic recycle was in Bronson March 1. The club donated $35 to help buy Easter eggs and prizes for the annual Easter egg hunt.
At its June and September meetings members will enjoy pot luck dinners at the community center. Wilkins will represent the club at the housing meeting.
-- Submitted by Geri Reeder