Uniontown 4-H Club
The January meeting of the Uniontown 4-H Club was called to order by President Riley Stephens.
Twenty members answered roll call by telling their favorite NFL team. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Jessie Camac led the flag salute and Kelli Wilkinson led the 4-H Pledge. Treasurer Reed Gleason gave the financial report. Club leader Sabrina Wilkinson reminded the group that 4-H Day entries were due by Jan. 25. She also told the members the Uniontown FFA was sponsoring a bloodmobile on jan. 11 and donation of snack would be appreciated.
Old business: members voted to go bowling at Iola on Feb. 2 at 7 p.m. New business: the club voted to have a Model meeting at County 4-H Days. Jana Wilkinson led the group singing "Little Bunny Foo Foo." The Wilkinson and Camac families provided refreshments.
-- Submitted by Cole George