- Volunteers honored for hours put in with hospital auxiliary (2/1/13)
- Fondly remembering Naomi (1/30/13)
- Record low temperatures leave residents without water (1/29/13)
- Flag flown in D.C. honors DAR (1/25/13)
- Blacksmith moves out (1/24/13)
- Little relief from blizzard (1/23/13)
- Ludlums win Bankers Award from conservation district (1/22/13)
Memories spring eternal ...
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Annual donations for Mercy Hospital continue to be received by J.T. Beatty of the Citizens Bank or F.A. Hornaday of the First National Bank. Recent contributors include C.H. Harbison $10; M. Liepman & Bros. $10; J.T. Beatty $5; C.C. Nelson $1; F.E. Tonney (groceries) $5.
All the school of the city will close this t term's work Tuesday. There is to be a two-week vacation this year and will give the teachers and scholars who live out of the city a longer time to visit their home folks.
A Fort Scott traveling man representing a "down east" shoe house is in for the holidays. He said that effective next fall there would be a decided drop in the price of shoes. It will be r remembered that about a year ago the leather trust sent the price of hides shyward and as a result shoes went up about a $1 a pair.
Jobe Harrington, of Devon, was here Saturday trading. Jobe thinks the heavy freeze on Mill Creek killed a good many fish.
Everett B Blakeley Jr., who is taking a course in the study of law at Kansas University, arrived Saturday to spend the holidays with his parents.
C.N. Mason, of Uniontown, had business in the city Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bailey, of the Hiattville neighborhood, were here Saturday shopping.
Mrs. Laura Michaels, of Devon, was in town Saturday shopping.
John Hartman, of Uniontown, was here Saturday transacting business.
Clifford Gordon, a K.U. student, is home for the holidays.
Roy Kennedy, tower keeper for the Fort Scott Water Works, has been off duty for several months following an operation for appendicitis. He expect to resumes his duties on the first of the coming month.
Sale--10 tons of candy for Christmas. Open every night till Christmas. Register to win a Gold Bond turkey given away each night at 8:30. You must be present to win.
A 1930 Model A Ford and a 1952 Ford city school bus met at the intersection of Sixth and Crawford streets yesterday causing an estimated $135 total damage and resulting in the arrest of one of the drivers. No one was injured. The driver of the Model A was charged with failure to obey a stop sign. He was released after he posted a $10 bond.
Pocket radios, only $5. Lifetime guarantee. No batteries, no electricity.--Ruddicks, 117 S. National. Adv.
Miss Erin Murphy of New York City will arrive tomorrow to spend the holidays with her parents Mr. and Mrs. V.E. Brown. Miss Murphy is taking advanced coaching in dramatics in New York.
Dr. L.L. Cooper and son Larry have returned from a deer hunt in Texas. They didn't see a single buck but brought home their quota of wild turkey.
Editorial: It was noteworthy that the National Weather Service meteorologist in charge of the Topeka office, drove to Fort Scott to present the National Weather Service Award for 33 years as a cooperative weather observer here to Jack Stapleton. Making the trip, and glad to do it, was Phil Shideler, who reminds us all that the weather service Stapleton has provided over the years has been most helpful. It is always nice to see volunteer labor receive its due.
The "Winfield Scott Eight" directed by Larry Swaim presented a musical Christmas performance for Pierian Club. Performing were Jenice Colgin, Kristen Mason, Jenna Nelson, James Tubach, Joshua Wheeler, Matt Spainhoward, Justin Spencer and Brad Nelson.
Litwins have new holiday fashion colored necklaces with pierced or clip earrings to match !-- Adv