
Memories spring eternal ...

Friday, October 5, 2007



The A.O.U.W. will give a dance at Union Hall Tuesday evening. Only those holding invitations will be admitted Admission 50 cents a couple; extra ladies 15 cents.

Let us fill your daily hardware wants and all your days will be lucky (a good luck in a horseshoe). We have a splendid assortment in gas ranges, gas heat- heaters, gas fixtures, gas mantles and gas fittings. We install them.--A.C. Penniman & Son, Hardware.

Charley Dorey had an experience with a monster jackrabbit yesterday. A half grown pug got on the trail of Br'er Rabbit and chased it every direction. The dog did its best and the rabbit slowly galloped ahead of it, just enough in advance to cause the pup to run its head off. and yet far enough to keep out of harm's way.



The Empress Theatre had a nice business last night at the formal opening. The patrons were pleased with the attractive decorations recently completed. The front has been painted a rich gold and green and the lobby has been refinished in mahogany. Mrs. Grace Davis, at the ticket window, wore a frock of the new cherry red. Assisting manager, Harry McMillan was assisted by Lloyd Stewart. Mr. Perry Rhine, manager of Fox theatres, was pleased with the efficiency of the operation, as the sound was clear and good and the picture was first class. The theatre has advertised new low prices.

Joe Kepler, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Kepler, has made it into the big clubs at Kansas State College, Manhattan. He has a splendid voice and was chosen for the chorus and the glee club He is one of the college cheerleaders. His dramatic talent was recognized in the tryout for the Manhattan Theatre. He also will have a role in the first school play of the season.



Barbs: One easy way to waste money is to pay for a doctor's advice, and then ignore it.

Final arrangements for the Pioneer Farm Fiesta at the fairground are well underway, according to George Jackson, manger and chief promoter. There will be displays of outmoded farm machines, some of which may be 100 years old.

Photo caption: Mr. and Mrs. E.K. Bollinger, Redfield, will observe their 60th wedding anniversary Sunday."

John Lockwood Restaurant announces new winter schedule. The restaurant will be closed on Thursdays and open all other days.

The Community Chest goal is $19,000 to be divided among six agencies. George W. Eakle is chairman of the 1958 campaign. The agencies and the funds they will receive are as follows: YMCA, $5,000; Salvation Army, $4,200; Goodlander's Children's Home, $4,800; Boy Scouts, $3,000; Camp Fire Girls, $400; Kansas Children's Service League, $1,000.



Southeast Scott 4-H Club elected officers at the September meeting held at Diamond School. Elected to office were Mendy Koester, Eric Kivett, Joe' Albright, Elizabeth Thomas, Preecia Lyons, Angie Madison, Sarah Shook and Danie Albright.

Photo caption: "Pat Harry, who plays Cockney flower girl Eliza Doolittle, and Dr. David Parris, cast as phonetics Professor Henry Higgins, rehearse for the local production of the acclaimed musical 'My Fair Lady.'"

Dear Editor: October 8 will mark the dedication of the recently completed new building of the Western Insurance Companies. This is a significant event for our community. I have always felt the citizens of this area should take pride in the fact that local people, almost exclusively, make up the staff including the management of the Western. I wish to extend our congratulations and sincere best wishes.--Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce, Larry D. Nuss, president.