Memories spring eternal ...
It's already noticeable that the opening of school has taken from the streets almost all the young folks who loiter aimlessly there during vacation time. It is also noticeable that some of the young folks have not entered school yet. Unless a pretty good excuse can be hatched up the young folks will have to attend school this year or be brought into court. It is better to start right away and avoid the trouble. It is hoped, too, that the opening of school will put an end to young girls roaming the streets evenings.
Ordinarily the Salvation Army braves almost any kind of weather but last night the members were rained out. At the hour usually appointed for the street meeting the rain was falling in torrents and a strong wind was blowing. So no meetings were held at the barracks nor in the open air.
New officers for Clair C. Harkey Post, of the American Legion, were installed at Memorial Hall. Charles Fisher installed post commander W.V. Dixon, along with the following officers: E.B. Tanquary, James Aiken, Elmer O'Connor, George Cassell, Rev. T.M. Tucker, Marion Blair and Gene Runyon. Bert Simmons, chairman of the public improvement committee, reported on the progress being made toward securing the paving of the approach to National Cemetery.
Mrs. Will Alsop has sold the Courtland Hotel to Mr. and Mrs. Devon Shaffer. The deal was consummated this week through Joe Lester, of Gross & Lester. Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer, who are living at 729 South Main Street, will take active charge of the hotel on Oct. 1 and expect to add a number of new features and give the hotel their personal attention.
Wayne Burnett, a back on the Greyhound football team last season, now attending Pittsburg State, is scheduled to play an end position tonight for the Gorillas in their game against the Kirksville, Mo., Teachers College.
NORTHWEST SCOTT (By Mrs. Ed Blair)--Kenneth Carson, who sells building material for Dodson Manufacturing Co., has a display at the Topeka State Fair.
Teen Talk (By Sharon Jarman)--Pat French, president of Y-Teen, introduced other officers and cabinet members: Linda Leek, Carolyn Smith, Judy Hammons, Beth Randles, Karen Rylander, Jane Stone, Joan Arkle, Sharon Taylor, Jan Middleton, Nancy Ober, Janice Willliard and pianist Margaret Campbell.
Photo caption: "Dale McDaniel, Fort Scott, 'hot rod' driver, is shown here with No. 52, a modified car in which he set a new record of 19.2 seconds at the Miami Speedway at Osawatomie. He set a record at Chanute last year. He has rolled it twice but always comes back for a good showing. Harry Theobald, Yates Center, is the owner."--Photo by Dixie McDaniel
Photo caption: "Ken Lunt, president of Fort Scott Industries, let a shovel of dirt fly during ground breaking ceremonies for a speculative building under construction at the Fort Scott Industrial Park. Others holding a shovel are David Mullies, secretary of Fort Scott Industries, and Paul LaForge of Parsons, owner of Superior Investments Co., Inc., which will own the building."--Photo by Tom Braker
The recent drop in interest rates has put a gleam hope in the eyes of many a potential homeowner but middle-income Americans may find they still can't afford to buy a house. The Federal Housing Administration and the Veterans Administration recently announced, for example, that they were dropping the interest rate on the loans they guarantee to 14 percent. But at 14 percent interest rate on a $50,000 mortgage carries a monthly payment of almost $600 based on a payout period of 30 years.