E-Edition is an easy, convenient way to read newspaper
In a fast-paced world. It's great to have information right at your fingertips.
The Fort Scott Tribune Online and the Nevada Daily Mail Online make that possible with the E-Edition, an exact replica of the printed newspaper, found at www.fstribune.com and www.nevadadailymail.com.
The E-Edition lets you flip through the newspaper, scan headlines and browse advertising just as if you were holding an actual newspaper.
This cutting-edge technology, powered by Tecnavia, is available through only a handful of newspapers across the country. The E-Edition lets you view the newspaper in a variety of ways; single or double pages, thumbnails, or by index. Scroll over your story of interest and it appears to the right. View it as it appears in the newspaper, in plain text or just the graphics. You can enlarge the type, print the story or even e-mail it. Tecnavia updates the newspaper every afternoon.
"This technology is very exciting for Fort Scott and Nevada," Tabatha Beerbower, Special Projects Manager, Rust Communications MOKS, said. "With the click of a mouse you can read the newspaper in its entirety as if the physical paper were right in front of you." Beerbower noted that advantages to this technology include easier archive searches, an easier way to share news with friends, family and colleagues, and faster access to news for subscribers that live outside the delivery zone.
The Fort Scott Tribune Online and the Nevada Daily Mail Online both recently ended a free trial period for their E-Editions. More than 600 subscribers took advantage of the trail period with both newspapers. All paid subscribers will continue to have access to the E-Edition for the duration of their paid subscription. Access to the E-Edition requires registering for a user name (e-mail address) and password. The technology will recognize a current subscriber's address and grant the subscriber free access for the duration of their paid subscription.
For subscribers living out of delivery zone, an online only subscription is available. "This means no more waiting to receive your newspaper a day late in the mail," Beerbower said. "Subscribers can have it online at the same time most people are getting it delivered to their door." Prices and payment options are available during registration, including single edition passes. Readers can access the E-Edition registration page by clicking on the front-page icon on either The Fort Scott Tribune Online or the Nevada Daily Mail Online. Those wishing to subscribe may either use the convenient PayPal option available, or they may still pay at the office, mail their payment, or enroll in EZ pay with Shirley Johnson, Nevada Daily Mail/Sunday Herald-Tribune Circulation Manager, at 131 S. Cedar, Nevada, MO, (417) 667-3344, sjohnson@nevadadailymail.com; or with Betty Raider, Fort Scott Tribune/Sunday Herald-Tribune Circulation Manager, at 12 E. Wall, Fort Scott, KS, (620) 223-1460, braider@fstribune.com. Home delivery and access to the E-Edition will begin as soon as the newspaper office and Tecnavia receive confirmation of payment.
For more information, contact Beerbower at (417) 667-3344 or at tbeerbower@fstribune.com.