Hiattville 4-H Club
The May 2 meeting of the Hiattville 4-H Club was called to order by President Bethany Ericson. Roll call was answered by your favorite sport. There were nine members and three leaders present. Cassie Schwalm gave a secretary's report. Amanda Brown gave a treasurer's report and David Ericson gave a reporter's report.
All members voted to provide the Fort Scott Tourist Center with lemonade and cookies this summer. Amanda Brown announced a craft meeting at 6 p.m. May 16 and 6:30 p.m. June 6 at the fire station.
In the program Hannah Fry gave a demonstration on how to make cinnamon popcorn. Cassie Schwalm read poem titled "Dear Mommy." Hannah Fry won the traveling trophy. Jonah lead the club in playing Ailing Auto Relay. Refreshments were served by the Howard family.
The next meeting was at 7:30 p.m. June 6 at the Hiattville Fire Station.