Echoes schedule, poets, performers
Friday Night
7 p.m. -- Opening, Arnold Schofield, Johnny Kendrick
7:30 p.m. -- Donna Penley, Delbert Shields and Ron Ratliff
8 p.m. -- Jim Hoy
9 p.m. -- Wanda Cothren, Ron Wilson and D. J. Fry
9:30 p.m. -- Finish
Saturday Day Schedule
Round Room
10 a.m. -- Donna Penley, Wanda Cothren, Delbert Shields
Gordon Parks Center
10 a.m. -- Ron Wilson, Ron Ratliff, D. J. Fry
Round Room
11 a.m. -- Joe Lester, Gail Burton, Jay Jones
Gordon Parks Center
11 a.m. -- Harold Carpenter, Richard Dunlap, Jake White
Noon -- Lunch at the chuck wagons or concessions
Round Room
1 p.m. -- Donna Penley, Joe Lester, Ron Wilson
Gordon Parks Center
1 p.m. -- Wanda Cothren, Gail Burton, Richard Dunlap
Round Room
2 p.m. -- Ron Ratliff, Jay Jones, Jake White
Gordon Parks Center
2 p.m. -- Delbert Shields, D. J. Fry, Harold Carpenter
Round Room
3 p.m. -- Kids' cowboy poetry winners and open microphone
Gordon Parks Center
3 p.m. -- Break
Round Room
4 p.m. -- Delbert Shields, Joe Lester, Jake White
Gordon Parks Center
4 p.m. -- Ron Wilson, Richard Dunlap, Gail Burton
Round Room
5 p.m. -- Donna Penley, D. J. Fry, Jay Jones
Gordon Parks Center
5 p.m. -- Wanda Cothren, Ron Ratliff, Harold Carpenter
Saturday Night
7 p.m. -- Opening, Arnold Schofield, Johnny Kendrick, Cliff Sexton
7:20 p.m. -- Harold Carpenter, Joe Lester, Jake White
7:40 p.m. -- Barry "Bear" Ward
8:30 p.m. -- Auction, intermission
9 p.m. -- Gail Burton, Richard Dunlap, Jay Jones
9:20p.m. -- Finish
Sunday Morning
(Outside, weather
10 a.m. -- Cowboy chuck wagons and cowboy church
Gail Burton, Benton, Ark., has written cowboy poetry since 1951. He performed at Elko recently and is featured is The Tombstone Epitaph. Harold Carpenter, Sedan, picked up trick roping at an early age. He has written cowboy poetry for 40 years and hs been published in The Western Horseman. Wanda Cothren, Claremore, Okla., entertains audiences with her singing and yodeling. She performs regularly at the Nowata County Opry. Richard Dunlap, Louisburg, Mo., is a working cowboy, cowboy poet and singer. D.J.Fry, Oronogo, Mo., recites original cowboy poetry, plays guitar, and sings cowboy ballads. Jim Hoy, Emporia, is director of the Center for Great Plains Studies at Emporia State University, has lectured worldwide, and has authored nine books. Jay Jones, Columbia, Mo., relies on his bull riding and calf roping experiences as fodder for his original cowboy poems. Cowboy singer Johnny Kendrick, Richards, Mo., is an Echoes co-founder and composer of the event's theme song. Joe Lester, Kansas, Okla., is a leather worker, cowboy poet, singer, guitar player, and real live chuck wagon cook. Donna Penley, Haysville, has written cowboy poetry for more than 25 years. Ron Ratliff, Gilman City, Mo., is a Baptist minister, a carver, a leather craftsman, and a cowboy poet. Cliff Sexton, Uniontown, plays guitar, sings and recites original and traditional cowboy poetry. Delbert Shields, Humboldt, is a farrier, horse trainer, and cowboy singer and poet. Jack White, Springfield, Mo., writes from experience about cowboy life and acts in "Shepherd of the Hills" in Eureka Springs, Ark. Barry "Bear" Ward, Copeland, writes original songs about his life as a fourth-generation farmer and stockman. He sings Christian cowboy and other country and western music. Ron Wilson, Manhattan, was named Cowboy Poet Lariat by former Gov. Bill Graves. He is director of the Huck Boyd National Institute for Rural Development at Kansas State University.