Eugene Ware fifth graders tour Capitol, museum

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Fifth graders at Eugene Ware Elementary School received an expanded history lesson on Thursday during a trip to the state capital.

Eugene Ware fifth-grade teacher Glenda Miller said that the trip to Topeka was aimed at giving students a more hands-on history lesson as they toured the Museum of History and the State Capitol.

Miller, one of three fifth grade teachers who accompanied the students, said the field trip has been conducted for Eugene Ware students for many years.

Many of the topics the students learned about on the trip, Miller said, were in conjunction with the topics taught during their regular classes.

"We study westward expansion in social studies class, and this gives the students a chance to see exhibits -- such as covered wagons -- and be able to look inside them," Miller said.

Miller said the educational tour is important to the students' education, as it enhances what they learn in class.

"We talk about covered wagons in class, and the kids get to look at pictures," she said. "By taking this trip, though, they get to see the real thing, and it really gives them a better viewpoint."

Along with their tour of history museum, the students visited and toured the capitol building. Miller said that part of the trip was aimed at familiarizing the students not only with the building itself and what goes on there, but also its location.

"Most kids never get to go to the capitol building," Miller said. "A lot of them don't know where it's at. They know Topeka is the state capital, but they don't know where that's at."

She added that the tour of the capitol building was also for educational purposes, as it expands on the lessons on government that the students learn in class.

Miller said the students had a chance to observe some of the operations that take place within the building, as well as an opportunity to meet some of the local representatives.

Miller said the trip was partially paid for through a grant, and the school district also provides funding for the trip.