
Uniontown Area News

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Uniontown United Methodist Women met in the Fellowship Hall of the church for their March 14 meeting. The meeting was called to order by the President Pat McClenahan. Those present were Beverly Geiger, Margaret Hartman, Pat McClenahan, Lavon Middleton, and Janice Ramsey. All read the purpose in unison. The president opened the meeting with thoughts to live by, "Attitude is everything, be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak softly, and leave the rest to God."

A thank you note was read from Alice Clayton expressing thanks and pleasure of the members of the Baptist Church who attended the World Day of Prayer program.

New business included the request that those attending the spring district meetings would bring children's underwear or teddy bears for the children at Youth Ville. Margaret Hartman was appointed to purchase items to be taken to the meeting.

Easter Sunrise services will be held on April 8, at Jake Underwood's farm, at 6:30 a.m. Other churches in the area have expressed a desire to join with us.

President Pat McClenahan again brought up the idea of trying to better serve the Ruritan members by handing out cards on which the Ruritan members may write the foods that they enjoy most, as a guide for those who prepare them for Ruritan.

The March 19 Ruritan Dinner was planned. Margaret Hartman is chairman. They are serving fried chicken, potato salad, both regular and German, coleslaw, French bread and lime Jell-O cake dessert. Lavon Middleton will chair the April Ruritan, and will serve spaghetti.

The lesson was given by Lavon Middleton on "Who Is My Neighbor?" Scripture was taken from St. Luke 10:25-37. All joined in singing "Amazing Grace" and the meeting closed with prayer. Following the meeting a drawing was held and the hostess gift went to Janice Ramsey.

Refreshments of brownies and coffee were served by Margaret Hartman.

The Geiger children arrived at the home of their parents for a work weekend, but the rain made working outside impossible. The Pass Time Club met on March 21, with hostess Alice Clayton. She opened the meeting by reading scripture, Psalms, 32:9, and also an article entitled "Bad habits." The guess what was won by Theda Headley, and it was a small package of dish scratchers. Irene Stockstill won the hostess gift which was a bag of assorted gifts. Secret pal gifts were received by Irene Stockstill and Katherine Roof. Alice Clayton was having a birthday, and served refreshments of deli trays, crackers and relishes.

Those present were Hazel Burt, Alice Clayton, Laura Graham, Theda Headley, Anna Rose, Katherine Roof, Irene Stockstill, and Ruth Wilson.

A card shower was planned for Martha Ford's birthday on March 29. If you read this late go ahead and send wishes to Martha anyway, and be better late than never.

Dewaine Geiger was in Wichita Thursday and Friday for a meeting of the Kansas Masonic Board of Directors.

Sunday, March 25, church services included the Prelude by Mary Bruner, Piano, and Jean O'Dell, Organ. Announcements were given by Steve Williams. Rhonda DeWitt led the congregational singing, including "As a Deer" and "I am Thine O Lord" followed by the opening prayer. Congregational singing "In Times Like These." Rhonda Dewitt has served as song leader for the month of March.

The ushers collected the tithes and offerings, and all sang the Doxology.

Special music was a trio of Nick O'Dell, John O'Dell, and Regina Woodworth who sang "How Great Thou Art," and dedicated it to their father Merlin O'Dell. Nick O'Dell then requested that all people present, relatives of Merlin, grandchildren and great-grandchildren and family members to come up on the stage, as he was celebrating his 80th birthday.

The pastors message was "Time For Jesus" with scripture taken from Luke 18:31-34, and the services closed by all singing "Spirit Of The Living God" and closed with the Benediction.

In the afternoon the O'Dell family had a dinner at the church with 27 present. An Open house reception for Merlin was held from 2 - 4 p.m.

The Uniontown Senior Citizens met March 28 in the Community Center with 10 present to share the potluck dinner at noon. A business meeting followed with Mrs. Rita Peterson presiding. Alice Clayton read an article, "Dog and Cat" a cute article about God sending Adam a friend.

Alice Clayton read the minutes of the November meeting. Bad weather and other circumstances had prevented a meeting since that time.

Karen Sager brought a book of stamps for the Guess What. It took many hints for the group to guess what it was, and Theda Headley was the winner. There were 60 sunshine calls.

There was a S.O.C.K. meeting in Iola on April 2. The diversion of the day was Bingo.

The Uniontown High School hosted a forum in the commons area on March 30, to introduce those who are candidates for the School Board election and the Election of City Officials.

Several in this area took the bus trip to Kansas City and attended the production of "I Do, I Do" at the dinner theater there, on Wednesday.

Many people were present to work towards the opening of a restaurant/bar on Thursday, and vehicles of those assisting were lined up along the street. The building is being completely refurbished and cleaned, and pool tables have been added. Marshall Beerbower, owner expects to open around the first week of April. A little bird tells us that his grandmother, Goldie Marie Arndt, an excellent cook, will be cooking noon meals for him, which should make his business venture a success.

Dewaine and Beverly Geiger were luncheon guests of Mrs. Phyllis Ray and Aaron and Lori Ramsey of Joplin, and enjoyed the first birthday celebration for little Miss Kendall Ramsey, who was one year old. The day was complete with a princess crown birthday cake baked by her grandmother Pat Ramsey, which was served with ice cream. Kendall received many gifts.

Virginia Kennedy, age 59, Chanute, and former Pastor of the Uniontown Methodist Church passed away March 26, in a cancer hospital near Chicago. Funeral services were held at the Chanute Methodist Church on Saturday, March 21, with the Reverend Don R. Flanner officiating. Burial was in the Walnut Cemetery.

Virginia was the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Donald Ebright and was born in India while her parents were serving as missionaries there. She was survived by her husband, Marvin Kennedy, Chanute, and three children, Elnora Wood, of Minnesota, and Donald Kennedy of Columbus, and Marvin Kennedy and several grandchildren.

Dewaine and Beverly Geiger attended the visitation prior to the funeral, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Griffith, and Dianna Williams attended the funeral services.