Memories spring eternal
One of the biggest hits the way of theatrical productions of this year was "The Tenderfoot" at the Davidson last night. A large and fashionable audience greeted the play which proved to be one of the most delightful of any ever given at the historic old Davidson. It was a good, clean show and was highly enjoyed by everyone present.
The funeral of Charley Orr, who met death in a railroad accident Sunday at Livingston, Montana, was held this afternoon from the family home at Hammond.
It was officially announced today by those concerned in the new state bank that the banking house is to be officed in the old Drake Building, corner of Main and Wall streets, the site at present occupied by the Gas and Electric Company. It is not known yet just who is to be president of the new bank.
A splendid patriotic program, given in observance of
Washington's birthday, in connection with the national bicentennial celebration, was presented by the Fulton 4-H Club at the Presbyterian church in Fulton to an audience of 85 people. The club seal was presented by Ms. Nelle Malone. "Agriculture in Washington's Day vs. Agriculture Today" was presented by Gayle Van Sickle. Mrs. Malone, in a pleasing manner, called attention to a large picture of Washington which occupies a place of honor on the stage. A pleasing number on the program was a demonstration of colonial manners given by Lena Lyons and Ethel Hill. They were dressed in costumes representing George and Martha Washington. They charmed the audience.
A.L. Hoskin of Route 1, Fort Scott, has a son, McKinley, who formerly attended school in Fort Scott. He has been in the United States Marine service for several years serving in Nicaragua. He has a commission now in the army there and is a training officer. He will be able to retire in two years at the age of 29.
A new filling station is being constructed out on No. 54 Hwy. six miles west of Fort Scott. Frank Fairman, Fort Scott, is putting in the station. Mr. Fairman expects to build some cabins and establish a camp ground. No doubt this will be popular with the tourists.
Photo caption: "Mrs. Ruth French and her bedside visitor at the Lyons Nursing home, 723 Heylman, Jane Stone, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Francis Stone II, 1221 South Judson, joined in singing hymns. Miss Stone was one of 42 Y-Teen girls from the high school who visited the city's three nursing homes. "--Tribune Photo caption:
"Vivian Houston, 403 West 10th, scrapes the rear window of her car. According to Police Chief Claude Emrick there is a city ordinance against driving with obstructed view, making it a misdemeanor which could bring a fine of $10."--Tribune photo
Mrs. Frona Fetters, 15 North Judson, fell on the ice last night and suffered a bad fracture of the left elbow. She was treated at the Newman-Young Clinic and later sent to Mercy Hospital.
Photo caption: "Boone's Barber Shop took team event honors with a score of 3,188 at the recent city men's bowling tournament at Fort Scott Lanes. Team members are Dale Schilling, Larry Ruble, Jim Hegge, Boone Cosens and Douglas Nickelson. Other winners in the tournament were Robert Wilson, high scratch game; Ron Nickelson, singles, all-events handicap and all-events scratch; Carey Lockwood, doubles; and John Stoneking Jr., doubles and high handicap game. Not pictured was Larry Peel, high scratch series."--Photo by Dave Wagner
Photo caption: "Brian Palmer of the Hiattville 4-H Club and Andy Carson of the Northwest Scott 4-H Club won a top award for a team presentation on the cooking of lamb during 4-H club county competition at Uniontown."