Memories spring eternal
It was officially announced last night that a fourth banking house was to be started in Fort Scott. The conference has been on for several days but The Tribune had to perish the thought of publishing the statement that a big deal was on as the promoters had not formally gotten together until last night when a charter was asked for in the names of F.H. Foster of Parsons, who is the son-in-law of Judge Simons, and also John H. Prichard, A.F. Rothfuss and C.H. Harbison. The bank will be capitalized at $50,000 and will be located in the old Bank of Fort Scott quarters, though this is undecided.
Joe End, Charles Katzung and Will Hedges are expected home from Arkansas in a day or two. They have been down there looking over their mines and hunting bobcats.
Items From Mapleton:
Frank Clark of Redding, Kas., and wife Hattie, nee Miss Hattie Mae Newton of Uniontown (stepdaughter of L. Stroud), married on Feb. 8, twenty-five years ago and departed immediately for Redding, Kas., where they resided for a number of years, and later moved to the Stroud homestead, her former home. The friends and neighbors of the community and Sunday School of Berlin had an old-fashioned surprise charivari Saturday night at their home in Irish Valley. The evening was spent in music and games. Delicious oyster stew was served to a large number of guests.
A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Mark Weeks yesterday when a group of friends were entertained informally. The house decorations suggested the Valentine season.
Harold Rhynerson, Blue Mound, said a few days ago that springs on his farm, which have been dry a long time, are now starting to run. He thinks that this is a hopeful sign that the drought may be on the way out. The farmer reported an odd sight when he observed another farmer hauling water and got stuck in the mud.
Photo caption: "Roy Shoemaker, farmer of two miles southeast of Garland, has a ewe that gave birth to quadruplet lambs about three weeks ago during a cold spell. The farmer has kept them under a heat lamp. The mother nurses three of them and the fourth is bottle fed. Shoemaker said he had never heard of quadruplets. Report is that mother and family are doing well."--Tribune photo
A junior yearling bull bred by the O'Bryan Ranch of Hiattville was the grand champion Polled Hereford bull at the Pan-American Livestock Show at San Antonio, according to word received from the ranch.
Photo caption: "One-horse sleighs are usually associated with the Christmas season but that didn't keep Fred Kelley, 302 Heylman, and his two grandchildren, Thomas and Brendan Russell from taking a ride. Recent snows have provided the first opportunity for Kelley to harness Tim, his Welch horse, and try out the sleigh which he and friend built."--Photo by Tom Braker
Photo caption: "Fort Scott Community College students will select a 1982 Homecoming Queen from the following candidates: Linda Snyder of Fulton; Margaret McKinley of Hume; Florissant Wynn of Wichita; Joni Hays of Mapleton; Paula Stephens of Paola; Lisa Sinn of rural Fort Scott; Lori Rager of Fort Scott; René Heideman of Fort Scott; Cindy Webb of Winnine, Texas; and Carolyn Douglas of Fort Scott"--Tribune photo by Tom Baker
Editor's Note: Memories Spring Eternal is the expanded version of the Other Years, a feature appearing daily on the editorial page of The Tribune. Interaction is welcome from readers who relate in some way to the chronicled events. Comments may be directed to The Fort Scott Tribune, Box 150, Fort Scott, Kan. 66701.