Walk Kansas 2007 scheduled to begin March 10
Kansas State University Research and Extension's fitness program Walk Kansas is scheduled to begin in Bourbon County on March 10. The low-cost fitness offering, which is in its sixth year, attracted more than 20,000 participants statewide last year, program coordinator Mike Bradshaw said.
"Scheduling a fitness program in the spring season, which typically offers warmer weather and extended daylight hours, encourages outdoor activity," Bradshaw said. "Many people also are becoming more health-conscious and aware of the health benefits of adding regular, moderate exercise to their schedule. Exercise can boost mental and physical health. It's known to ease tension, reduce stress and reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers."
Adding physical activity to an already busy lifestyle isn't always easy. Walk Kansas can help individuals get into the habit of regular exercise. Exercise can be done at any time and place that works with individual schedules.
Friends, neighbors or co-workers can sign up as a team of six to cover the distance across Kansas -- 423 miles east to west -- during the eight-week Walk Kansas program. This breaks down to about 30 minutes of activity five days a week for each team member. Teams are not required to do their physical activity together, but they may enjoy the group aspect and feel motivated to be physically active with family and friends. Participants will also be keeping track of fruits and vegetables consumed daily.
The program has a competitive aspect, but the real value is for individuals to develop a more physically active and nutritious lifestyle which they will continue after the eight-week program. The design is meant for all teams and individual participants to set goals for their own personal achievement.
The program is inexpensive -- $5 per participant, which covers the cost of newsletters and prizes for a kick-off event and ending celebration. Purchasing a T-shirt with the Walk Kansas logo is optional.
Ann Ludlum, Family and Consumer Sciences agent, is coordinator of the program in Bourbon County.
Registration packets are available in the Bourbon County Extensions office, first floor of the courthouse and can be picked up during office hours, 8:30 a.m. to noon and 1 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Call the office at (620) 223-3720 for more information. Registration ends Feb. 22.