Memories spring eternal

Monday, September 25, 2006



In order to prepare for the Harvest Home Festival and fall carnival at Fern Lake Park, which commences on October 8th, the management of the park has decided to close the park to the public until that date arrives.

The people who are putting up catsup and chili sauce declare that the tomato crop isn't what it promises. Good tomatoes are hard to get a reasonable prices.

To most of the citizens, it is news to the public to learn that the mayor of Fort Scott receives $10 a month in compensation for services as one of the supervisors of the good roads improvements.

Henry Jenecke, who is connected with the new million dollar asphalt company at Independence, Kansas, was here today on business with H.V. Rice and F.A. Hornaday. He is negotiating with them for the purchase of oil from their wells for use in the manufacture of asphalt, being that oil is the base of manufacturing asphalt.



"The motor car that went fishing" might be the title of the unusual occurrence at Rock Creek Lake yesterday when a Buick owned by Sam Berner was suddenly blown radiator-first into the lake. The car had been parked on the bank just south of the bridge. Mr. Berner, accompanied by his wife, had been fishing and was returning to the car. A sudden gust of wind sprang up and before The Berners could reach the moving machine had been propelled down a slight incline into five feet of water. The water came up to the windshield. An Interstate Garage wrecker had to be called to rescue the immersed machine and pull it back to town. There was no damage except from the water.

The Frank Shoemaker Drug Store No. 1 at 704 East Wall was visited by burglars last night and cash in the amount of $24 was taken in addition to 10 cartons of cigarettes. Entrance was gained by tearing the screen off a rear window and using a car spring to pry apart the iron bars that covered the window just enough to allow a man's body to squeeze in. There are no clues.



Howard McCutcheon Thomas, 62, of 820 South National Avenue, died unexpectedly at his home yesterday following a heart attack. Funeral services will be Thursday at the First Baptist Church. Thomas was president and chairman of the board of the Fort Scott Hydraulic Cement Company. The body will be in state at Cheney's Mortuary until returned to the home to await the funeral.

Teen Talk--The junior class voted on class officers as follows: Phil Frick, president; Joe Clary, vice president; Bernie McCurley, secretary; and Judy Wogan, treasurer. At the first student council meeting Diana Heffernan was elected secretary and Linda Niemeir, treasurer.



Photo caption: "Members of the Fort Scott Lions Club are selling brooms to raise money to help the blind and also to contribute to the city's Christmas lighting fund. Pictured with some of the $2,000 worth of brooms that remain to be sold are Lee Rimbey, Oscar Maberry, Raymond Stoughton and Walt Campbell."

A pair of Bourbon County 4-H'ers who entered the Kansas State Fair dog show competition have earned blue ribbons. And a third earned a red ribbon. Mindy Koester, a member of the Southeast Scott club, and Lisa Boone of the Uniontown club, earned blues. Mike Barker of the Northwest Scott club earned a red ribbon in competition.


Editor's note: Memories Spring Eternal is the expanded version of Other Years, a feature appearing daily on the editorial page of The Tribune. Interaction is welcome from readers who relate in some way to the chronicled events. Comments may be directed to The Fort Scott Tribune, Box 150, Fort Scott, Ks. 66701.