Law Enforcement Reports
(Police/Fire Report ~ 03/09/12)
Collin Gregory Vondra, 19, Fort Scott, was arrested by the Fort Scott Police Department at 12:04 a.m. Thursday for minor in possession. He posted a cash bond of $250 and was later released at 1:29 a.m. the same day. Eric William Greer, 28, Richards, Mo., was arrested by the Bourbon County Sheriff's Office at 1:06 p.m. Wednesday on a Bourbon County warrant. He is still being held at this time with no bond...
Senate pages (Local News ~ 03/09/12)
(Obituary ~ 03/09/12)
Frances R. Smith, 85, passed away Monday, March 5, 2012, at her home in Girard, Kan. She was born March 9, 1926, in rural McCune, the daughter of Lester and Ruth (Neher) Bennett. Frances graduated from McCune Rural High School in 1944. After graduating she went on to receive her teacher's certificate from Kansas State Teachers College. ...
(Obituary ~ 03/09/12)
Canaan Michael Hoover, seven-day-old son of Jeremy and Teia Hoover died Tuesday, March 6, 2012, at the Overland Park Regional Medical Center in Overland Park, Kan. He was born Feb. 28, 2012, in Fort Scott, Kan., and was transferred to Overland Park shortly after his birth...
ROBERT A. ADAMS (Obituary ~ 03/09/12)
Dr. Robert A. Adams, 88, resident of Fort Scott, Kan., died Thursday, March 8, 2012, at Freeman West Hospital in Joplin, Mo. He was born Jan. 25, 1924, in Fort Scott, the son of Major Harry O. Adams and Lady Agnes Grace Mason. He retired in 1988 from the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill. He was head of the Emergency Preparedness Section for the high-energy research facility... -
100 years (Anniversary ~ 03/09/12)
Iva Jane Dancy reached her 100th birthday on Feb. 27, 2012. She is currently a resident of the Prescott Country View Nursing Home in Prescott, Kan., but had previously lived in Pleasanton, Kan., for many years. She was honored with a birthday celebration on Saturday, Feb. 25, with over 150 family and friends in attendance, including a five-generation family... -
Battlefield Dispatches No. 307: Artillery 'a killing machine'
(Column ~ 03/09/12)
In keeping with the sesquicentennial or 150 year commemoration of the Civil War, this column features two "artillery" after-action reports that describe the deadly use of artillery or cannons in the Battle of Pea Ridge in northeastern Arkansas March 7-8, 1862. ...
Southwind Extension to host tractor safety course
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
Submitted to The Tribune If you are planning to do farm work and it is for someone other than a parent or guardian and you are 14 or 15 years of age, you must take a tractor safety course following the U.S. Department of Labor requirements before you can be employed in certain hazardous farm tasks. A hazardous farm task includes operating a tractor over 20 horsepower...
We should listen to and act on our 'divine nudgers'
(Column ~ 03/09/12)
Tammy and her husband David live in Kansas City. In October 2008, Tammy went to give blood, something she had done almost every year since she turned 21. After having her hemoglobin checked, Tammy was told she was a little anemic. It was recommended that she get some more tests from her doctor, which she did. A complete blood analysis was done; all her counts were low. Following a bone marrow biopsy in November, she was diagnosed with mylodysplastic syndrome, the precursor to leukemia...
Annual Missions Conference to be held at Grace Baptist Tabernacle
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
Submitted to The Tribune Grace Baptist Tabernacle, located at 502 S. Margrave, Fort Scott, will be hosting its annual Missions Conference March 14-18. The conference will begin at 6:30 p.m. each night Wednesday through Saturday and at regular service times on Sunday...
Endicott to speak at First Baptist Church services
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
Submitted to The Tribune First Baptist Church, 123 Scott Ave., Fort Scott, will be hosting a series of special messages by Thad Endicott. Endicott comes to Fort Scott from Alabama with his musical family. They will be sharing their talents each night. ...
Fundraiser planned for FFA trip
(Column ~ 03/09/12)
100 YEARS AGO (1912) Lawrence, Kan. -- 'Kansas Treats The Sick Free' Two hundred and forty-two persons have received treatment at the University of Kansas Hospital at Rosedale since it opened four months ago. In addition to these hospital cases, more than 700 persons received medical advice or made visits to the dispensary. Nearly every county in the state has responded to the call of the university for patients who need medical care and are too poor to obtain it for themselves...
Times change, but the power of the word remains
(Column ~ 03/09/12)
Reading has always been a large part of my life. As a young girl, I would sneak books and flashlights under the covers at bedtime to read after the lights were out, and in school, I would itch for a chance to pick up my book and learn what was going to happen next. I yearned for stories...
Redistricting maps
(Column ~ 03/09/12)
We had a very short week in the Capitol due to turnaround day this past Friday. We were off on Monday and Tuesday to allow the revisors and research to catch up with our bills' demands. Supposedly at this point in the session we in the Senate are to hold hearings on bills that originated in the House. ...
Book fair set at Winfield Scott
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
The Winfield Scott Elementary School Book Fair starts next week. The fair will run Monday through Thursday. Hours are Monday and Tuesday from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; and Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers interested in helping can email PTO President Angie Kemmerer at kidskorner123@gmail.com...
Personal property deadline approaching
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
Bourbon County Appraiser Judy Wallis reminds personal and commercial property owners that their assessment forms are due in the office by Thursday, March 15. Rendition forms were sent out earlier this year. Anyone with trucks running over a 12M tag, boats, mobile homes or golf carts is required to report them to the appraiser's office or a penalty will be applied, a news release said...
Legislative update scheduled
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
Area legislators will offer their assessments of the 2012 legislative session so far during a Legislative Update Event set for 10 a.m., Saturday, March 17, in the Heritage Room of the administration building at Fort Scott Community College. Hosted by the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce, the event will give area residents a chance to discuss various issues with their legislators in order to be more informed about activities in Topeka that directly affect Bourbon County and southeast Kansas...
Grace Abundant Church now going by a new name
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
What's in a name, Shakespeare's Juliet once asked while musing about her Romeo. For the leaders of the newly-renamed Christ Church, formerly known as Grace Abundant Church, it's about relationships. "I think that the simplest way to think about the name change is that it identifies us in terms of relationship with the sister church (Christ Church of Joplin)," member Max Self said...
'Crop for the Cure'; Two Relay for Life teams join for scrapbooking fundraiser.
(Local News ~ 03/09/12)
Two local Bourbon County Relay for Life teams have joined forces to create a scrapbooking fundraiser for cancer research. The Ward Kraft and First Presbyterian Church teams are planning a "Crop for a Cure," scheduled for 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, March 31, at First Presbyterian Church, 308 S. ...
Tigers rally, hang on to beat Abilene
(High School Sports ~ 03/09/12)
Note: This version contains information about Thursday's late game between Ottawa and McPherson that was not published in the print edition due to deadline constraints.
Stories from Friday, March 9, 2012
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